Using a Linux TAR File to Install NuoDB

Installing NuoDB from the TAR package is useful in any of the following situations:

  • You prefer to install NuoDB in a non-default location.

  • You wish to have more than one version of NuoDB installed at the same time (however, only one NuoDB Admin Process (AP) can be running at a time unless you change the default network ports).

  • You do not have root privileges on the system on which you are installing NuoDB.

  • You do not want to use a package installer.

When you run NuoDB from a TAR package:

  • It will not require a separate nuodb user ID.

  • All processes will run under the user ID which installed the TAR package.

  • The default location for configuration and logging is in the installation directory, not system locations.

  • NuoDB services will not be automatically started when the host is rebooted.

  • NuoDB services cannot be managed by your system management facility (systemctl, service, etc.)

To install a TAR package:

  • Choose a directory to contain the package.

  • Unpack the tar.gz file that you downloaded.

  • (Optional) Update your PATH variable.

Suppose you download the nuodb- file into your ~/Downloads directory and you want to install it into the directory /pkgs/nuodb, which already exists and to which you have write privileges. You would run these commands:

cd /pkgs/nuodb
tar xzf ~/Downloads/nuodb-
export PATH=/pkgs/nuodb/nuodb-$PATH
Update the shell setup file (e.g., ~/.bashrc) to make the changes to the PATH permanent.

Throughout this documentation we will often use the variable $NUODB_HOME to refer to to installation location of NuoDB on the system. You may prefer to set this variable to make copying commands more straightforward. For the above example you might use:

export NUODB_HOME=/pkgs/nuodb/nuodb-

For information on adding Enterprise License functionality, see Obtain and Install a Product License.