
For information on how to deploy production NuoDB in Kubernetes, please visit the NuoDB Helm Charts GitHub repository for deployment instructions. The NuoDB Helm Charts are production ready and fully support day-2 operational tasks such as backup and recovery, rolling upgrade, and can be deployed in multi-cluster and multi-cloud environments.

Quick Start Guide

NuoDB works with Kubernetes locally or in the cloud. To get started with NuoDB in Kubernetes, a running Kubernetes cluster is required in either environment.


NuoDB is supported for production use in a wide range of Kubernetes environments, including:


For test, development, and evaluation purposes, the following can also be used:

For more information on running Kubernetes locally on desktop or laptop refer to Appendix A - Running Kubernetes Locally.


Recommended: Sufficient familiarity with Kubernetes to use kubectl get events and kubectl logs to diagnose problems.

Installing NuoDB

Configure Kubernetes

Create a Kubernetes namespace for NuoDB installation and make it the default.

kubectl create namespace nuodb
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=nuodb

Configure NuoDB Helm charts

Fetch a local copy of the charts:

helm repo add nuodb https://nuodb.github.io/nuodb-helm-charts

To display the available Helm Charts, run:

helm search repo
nuodb/admin                 3.5.0           4.3.2       Administration tier for NuoDB.
nuodb/database              3.5.0           4.3.2       NuoDB distributed SQL database.
nuodb/restore               3.5.0           4.3.2       On-demand restore a NuoDB SQL database.
nuodb/storage-class         3.5.0           4.3.2       Storage classes for NuoDB.
nuodb/transparent-hugepage  3.5.0           4.3.2       Disable disables transparent_hugepage on Linux ...

Configure Default Storage Class

Persistent storage is required by the NuoDB Admin Process (AP) and Storage Manager (SM) pods. Persistent storage is managed using PersistentVolumes (PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs). If a PVC does not specify a storageClassName, the default StorageClass is used. To view the available StorageClasses, run:

kubectl get storageclass
hostpath (default)   docker.io/hostpath   Delete          Immediate           false                  7d5h

In the above example the hostpath is the default StorageClass marked by (default). The StorageClass(es) may have different names or there may be more than one StorageClass, but there must be at least one marked as (default).

If one of the StorageClasses is marked as (default), skip to the next step.

However, if a default StorageClass is not present:

  • If running locally, consult the applicable Kubernetes documentation to set the default StorageClass.

  • If running in the cloud, use the NuoDB storage chart to set up the default StorageClass, where <provider> is amazon, google or azure.

    helm install nuodb/storage-class storage --set cloud.provider=<provider>

Install a Limited Use License

To obtain the license file required to deploy NuoDB with a Limited Use License, contact NuoDB Support.

For information on installing the license, see Redeploy the Admin Processes (APs) using Helm.

Configure the Admin Layer

There are many options to configure the NuoDB Admin Processes (APs), but this command uses all the defaults. This is discussed further in Appendix B.

helm upgrade --install admin nuodb/admin --set nuocollector.enabled=true
NAME: admin
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 16 11:34:36 2023
STATUS: deployed
NOTE: Please be patient while the chart is being deployed.

Again, although helm returns immediately, deploying the admin pod will take a minute or so.

  • The NuoDB container image will be downloaded from the Docker repository specified by nuodb.image.repository Helm value (see Appendix B) and used to run a single AP.

  • Wait until the admin pod is ready; watch by running kubectl get pods periodically.

  • Soon, an admin pod called admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 will come up with 1/1 displayed in the READY column.

Check the new NuoDB domain by running nuocmd inside the admin pod:

kubectl exec admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 -- nuocmd show domain
server version: 6.0-1-a69794e1fc, server license: Limited
server time: 2023-11-13T14:32:05.080, client token: ...
  [admin-nuodb-cluster0-0] admin-nuodb-cluster0-0.nuodb.nuodb.svc.cluster.local:48005
    [last_ack = 0.49]ACTIVE (LEADER, Leader=admin-nuodb-cluster0-0, log=0/4/4) Connected *

Configure Database

The helm command below includes several overrides (using --set) to the default configuration.

  • Set the database name.

  • Set DBA "root" username and password.

  • Enable external access to the processes inside the cluster.

  • Reduce the disk used for storing the database data (what NuoDB calls its archive) to 5G.

  • Disable Hot Copy (online) backup, which is enabled by default but not needed for this quick start. Enable a Storage Manager (SM) that does not run backups instead.

  • Reduce the very large defaults for CPU and memory resources.

  • Enable the Insights Monitoring collector agent.

Using --set is a one-and-done sort of edit and gathers all the changes in one location which has nice benefits when scripting your start-up commands, see Appendix B - Using a Configuration File for the alternative option of copying the configuration values to a YAML file and modifying them.

Start the database using the override options. One Transaction Engine (TE) and one Storage Manager (SM) will start:


For Windows, use the following command but replace all instances of "\" with "^".

helm install demo nuodb/database \
  --set database.name=demo \
  --set database.rootUser=dba \
  --set database.rootPassword=dba \
  --set database.te.labels.external-address=localhost \
  --set database.persistence.size=5Gi \
  --set database.sm.hotCopy.enablePod=false \
  --set database.sm.noHotCopy.replicas=1 \
  --set database.sm.resources.requests.cpu=500m \
  --set database.sm.resources.requests.memory=500M \
  --set database.sm.resources.limits.cpu=500m \
  --set database.sm.resources.limits.memory=500M \
  --set database.te.resources.requests.cpu=500m \
  --set database.te.resources.requests.memory=500M \
  --set database.te.resources.limits.cpu=500m \
  --set database.te.resources.limits.memory=500M \
  --set nuocollector.enabled=true \
  --set database.te.dbServices.enabled=true \
  --set database.legacy.directService.enabled=true

The command generates the following output:

NAME: demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 16 11:37:28 2023
STATUS: deployed
NOTE: Please be patient while the chart is being deployed.

NuoDB can be accessed via port 48004 on the following DNS name from within the cluster:

  nuodb.nuodb.svc.cluster.local - Read/Write connection

This takes a few minutes to run.

  • Monitor by running kubectl get pods periodically.

  • There should be two pods, sm-database-nuodb-cluster0-test-hotcopy-0 and te-database-nuodb-cluster0-test-xxxx (where xxxx is a random suffix chosen by Kubernetes).

  • Each will enter the RUNNING state.

    NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    admin-nuodb-cluster0-0                                  3/3     Running   0          8m10s
    sm-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-0                  3/3     Running   0          5m17s
    te-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-6bbfc5d96c-7bq9l   3/3     Running   0          5m17s

To display the domain and newly created database, run:

kubectl exec admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 -- nuocmd show domain
Defaulted container "admin" out of: admin, nuocollector, nuocollector-config, init-disk (init)
server version: 6.0-1-a69794e1fc, server license: Limited
server time: 2023-11-13T14:32:05.080, client token: ...
  [admin-nuodb-cluster0-0] admin-nuodb-cluster0-0.nuodb.nuodb.svc.cluster.local:48005
     [last_ack = 1.54] ACTIVE (LEADER, Leader=admin-nuodb-cluster0-0, log=10/74/74) Connected *
  demo [state = RUNNING]
    [SM] sm-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-0/ [start_id = 12]
      [server_id = admin-nuodb-cluster0-1] [pid = 96] [node_id = 1] [last_ack =  3.45] MONITORED:RUNNING
    [TE] te-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-545f6b5d9c-4w46s/ [start_id = 13]
      [server_id = admin-nuodb-cluster0-2] [pid = 43] [node_id = 2] [last_ack =  9.41] MONITORED:RUNNING

To view the NuoDB Helm Charts installed using helm, run:

helm ls
admin nuodb     2           2023-01-27 ...  deployed    admin-3.5.0                 4.3.2
demo  nuodb     1           2023-01-28 ...  deployed    database-3.5.0              4.3.2
Notice that demo is both the name of the helm database deployment and the name chosen for the database.

Access the Database


Use port-forwarding to map requests from the local machine to processes in the cluster:


Start two new cmd windows.

  • In the first, run kubectl port-forward svc/nuodb-clusterip 48004:48004.

  • In the second run kubectl port-forward svc/demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-clusterip 48006:48006.

  • Return to the original window.


Run the following commands:

  • kubectl port-forward svc/nuodb-clusterip 48004:48004 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

  • kubectl port-forward svc/demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-clusterip 48006:48006 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Ports 48004 and 48006 are the default ports for an AP and a TE respectively. The database demo can now be accessed as if it was running locally on the machine.

Port forwarding is used to simplify the database external access configuration for this quick start and works in a wide variety of Kubernetes cluster deployments. To configure database external access in production, please read Connect to NuoDB Database Externally.

Connect to the database

Option 1

Connect from any favorite SQL IDE tool (such as DBeaver or DbVisualizer):

  • Host: localhost

  • Port: 48004

  • Database name: demo

  • Username: dba

  • Password: dba

Option 2

Run NuoDB’s command-line SQL tool nuosql from inside the AP pod:

kubectl exec -it admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 -- bash
nuosql demo --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true

Use the SYSTEM.Nodes table to view the domain:

SELECT id, startid, address, port, state, type, release_ver FROM system.nodes;
 --- -------- ----------- ----- ------- ----------- ------------------
  1     0 48006 Running Storage     4.3.2-1-a69794e1fc
  2     1 48006 Running Transaction 4.3.2-1-a69794e1fc

The Nodes table shows two NuoDB processes (or nodes) running - a Storage Manager (SM) and a Transaction Engine (TE).

For full documentation of the NuoDB Helm Charts, refer to https://github.com/nuodb/nuodb-helm-charts.

Import the Sample Ice Hockey Database

Open a bash shell session in the admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 pod:

kubectl exec -it admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 -- bash

Use the following commands to import the sample ice hockey database schemas into the empty demo database:

  • Whenever connecting to a NuoDB database, the actual connection is to an AP which returns the connection information for a TE (all this is automatically handled by the database driver).

  • External access for SQL IDE tools has been enabled, but to connect internally from within the cluster the AP returns an internal addresses (hence the connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true).

nuosql demo --schema hockey --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true --file /opt/nuodb/samples/quickstart/sql/create-db.sql
nuosql demo --schema hockey --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true --file /opt/nuodb/samples/quickstart/sql/Players.sql
nuosql demo --schema hockey --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true --file /opt/nuodb/samples/quickstart/sql/Scoring.sql
nuosql demo --schema hockey --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true --file /opt/nuodb/samples/quickstart/sql/Teams.sql

Using NuoSQL

To try out some simple nuosql commands, invoke an interactive nuosql session connecting to the demo database.

nuosql demo --schema hockey --user dba --password dba --connection-property PreferInternalAddress=true
USE hockey;
SHOW tables;
Tables in schema HOCKEY
        VW_PLAYER_STATS is a view

In the above example:

USE hockey;

switches to using the "HOCKEY" schema from the default "USER" schema and:

SHOW tables;

shows the tables in that schema.

Try out some more nuosql commands on the hockey database, such as:

SELECT * FROM teams WHERE teams.year=2011;

Now try a more advanced query such as:

SELECT p.lastName, p.firstName, s.year, s.teamID, s.gamesPlayed
FROM   players p, scoring s
WHERE  p.birthCountry='Slovakia'
AND    s.playerID = p.playerID ORDER BY p.lastName;

When finished, type quit to exit the interactive nuosql session.

Type exit to exit the bash shell in the admin-nuodb-cluster0-0 container.

Appendix C covers installing NuoDB’s Insights monitoring tool.

When finished, remember to clean up resources - see Appendix D.

Appendix A - Running Kubernetes Locally

Possible options are:

  1. Docker Desktop has an option in its Settings to run up a Kubernetes cluster. Just tick the box, apply and wait a few minutes. It automatically installs kubectl and sets up kubeconfig to enable access the cluster.

  2. Rancher’s k3d allows running their minimal Kubernetes (k3s) on top of Docker (so a Docker installation is still needed). It is lighter weight than the one built into Docker Desktop.

  3. Canonical’s MicroK8s has the advantage that it does not require Docker.

  4. minikube can run with or without Docker, provided there is virtual machine support available on the platform in use.

All three are available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Helm is available at GitHub.

  • There is a binary install for most platforms, or use the package manager for the platform in use.

    • Windows users should download the installer zip, unpack it and copy helm.exe to C:\Windows\System32.

Appendix B - Using a Configuration File

As an alternative to using --set, it is typically easier to copy and modify the database Helm chart’s configuration. Especially if planning to make further changes later. Moreover, the file can be kept under version control.

The following sets up the same configuration used above.

Get the db-values.yaml configuration file for the chart:

helm inspect values nuodb/database > db-values.yaml

Step 1: Modify the YAML

Make the following changes in db-values.yaml:

  1. Search for name: demo to see this section. This is where to change the database name and set the root DBA user name and password.

      ## Provide a name in place of the chart name for `app:` labels
      #nameOverride: ""
      ## Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources
      #fullnameOverride: ""
      # name
      # NuoDB Database name.  must consist of lowercase alphanumeric
      #characters '[a-z0-9]+'
      name: demo
      # rootUser
      # Name of Database user
      rootUser: dba
      # rootPassword
      # Database password
      rootPassword: secret
  2. Scroll down a short way and set persistence size to 5G as shown (the default of 20G is unnecessary):

      ## Import Environment Variables from one or more configMaps
      # Ex: configMapRef: [ myConfigMap, myOtherConfigMap ]
        configMapRef: []
        size: 5Gi
          - ReadWriteOnce
        # storageClass: "-"
  3. Search for hotCopy: (note the colon) and set enablePod to false to disable hotcopy (online) backups::

          enablePod: false
          enableBackups: true
          replicas: 1
  4. Search for noHotCopy: (note the colon) and enable an SM that does not perform backups by setting replicas to 1:

        # ...
          enablePod: true
          replicas: 1
  5. Search for resources: (note the colon) and set the following values to reduce the memory limits for SM resources. The default values are set for a reasonably sized production database and are too big for a demo.

        ## resources
        # k8s resource min (request) and max (limit)
        # min is also used for the target maximum memory used by the cache (NuoDB --mem option)
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 500M
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 500M
  6. Search for dbServices and enable them (remove the curly brackets {} and the #):

        ## By default, the database clusterip service for direct TE connections is enabled,
        ## but can be optionally disabled here
          enabled: false
  7. Just below there is resources: again (these are the TE resources). Make the same changes as before.

  8. Just below there is a labels section, modify to add two labels as shown to enable database access from outside the cluster. Be sure to remove the curly brackets after labels:

        ## Affinity, selector, and tolerations
        # There are expanded as YAML, and can include variable and template references
        affinity: {}
        # nodeSelector: {}
        # tolerations: []
        # labels
        # Additional Labels given to the TEs started
         external-address: localhost
         external-port: 48006
  9. Search for legacy.

    • Under directService set enabled: true.

    • Under nuocollector set enabled: true.

            enabled: false
            enabled: true
        # Enable NuoDB Collector by setting nuocollector.enabled=true
        enabled: true
  10. Save the changes.

Step 2: Deploying the Chart

  1. As more than one database may be deployed, choose the name of the Helm deployment to be the same as the name of the database (in the example above it is called demo).

  2. Deploy the chart by running:

    helm install <db-name> nuodb/database --values db-values.yaml
    The <db-name> is the helm deployment name.

Appendix C - Running Insights/Grafana and a YCSB Workload (Optional)

Use helm to add NuoDB Insights visual monitoring into the deployment environment. NuoDB Insights displays real-time and historical performance data graphically to assist with workload and/or root-cause analysis.

helm repo add nuodb-insights https://nuodb.github.io/nuodb-insights

Once the repository has been added:

helm install insights nuodb-insights/insights --namespace nuodb
NAME: insights
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 16 12:43:12 2023
STATUS: deployed

Periodically run kubectl get pods until Insights is up and running.

NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
admin-nuodb-cluster0-0                                  3/3     Running   0          69m
insights-grafana-76d68674c-j29q9                        3/3     Running   0          77s
insights-influxdb-0                                     1/1     Running   0          77s
sm-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-0                  3/3     Running   0          67m
te-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-6bbfc5d96c-7bq9l   3/3     Running   0          67m

The following command will provide the password to the Grafana instance.

kubectl get secrets insights-grafana -n nuodb -o jsonpath={.data.admin-password} | base64 --decode

In a separate console make Grafana accessible via the browser. It is possible to then log in with username admin and the password output from the previous command.

kubectl port-forward service/insights-grafana 8080:80

Using any web-browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/ where the instance of Grafana is accessible.

Now that there is have a graphical representation of the database activity, start a YCSB workload so there is something to see. Add the repo:

helm repo add nuodb-incubator https://nuodb.github.io/nuodb-helm-charts/incubator

To get the workload running:


For Windows use the following command but replace all instances of "\" with "^".

helm install ycsb nuodb-incubator/demo-ycsb \
 --set ycsb.teDirect=true \
 --set ycsb.replicas=1 \
 --set ycsb.opsPerIteration=50000 \
 --set database.name=demo \
 --set ycsb.dbSchema=user \
 --set ycsb.noOfProcesses=10 \
 --set ycsb.noOfRows=50000 \
 --set ycsb.workload=b

The command generates the following output:

NAME: ycsb
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 16 12:51:21 2023
STATUS: deployed

Leave YCSB running for a few minutes then return to the Grafana dashboard.

  • In the left side panel, click on the 2 by 2 grid of squares, then in the drop-down click Manage.

  • There are several dashboards listed under the nuodb folder.

  • The two to start with are NuoDB Ops System Overview and NuoDB Overview.

    • Click on either to see some activity happening.

  • Both dashboards will appear in the bottom left Dashboards panel of the home page.

Appendix D - Clean Up

To clean up and delete all of the resources, delete the entire namespace and everything in it:

kubectl delete namespace nuodb

Alternatively, it is possible to clean up any of the Helm deployments individually. For example to get rid of YSCB and the database but leave Insights and the domain (admin pods), ready to create a different database later.

  • Remove YCSB Benchmark: helm delete ycsb.

  • Remove Insights: helm delete insights - see warning below.

  • Remove Database: helm delete demo - see warning below.

  • Remove Domain (the admin pods): helm delete admin - see warning below.

Uninstalling a Helm deployment does not delete any associated Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). After uninstalling the insights, database and/or admin chart, PVCs must be deleted manually. For more information, see Cleaning up PVCs.

Cleaning up PVCs

  1. Use kubectl get pvc to find the PVCs. The output will look something like this

    kubectl get pvc -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,STATUS:.status.phase,VOLUME:.spec.volumeName
    NAME                                                   STATUS   VOLUME
    raftlog-admin-nuodb-cluster0-0                         Unbound  pvc-07ed40c3-3979-47ab-ad60-12146e6de568
    archive-volume-sm-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-0  Unbound  pvc-4e2214b3-7a46-4408-a3e4-c1b75053849c
    • The admin pod’s PVC is the Raft log volume.

    • The SM’s PVC is the archive volume.

    • The TE has no persistent volume claims.

  2. Before removing a PVC, check that the volume is marked as Unbound, since the pod that was using it has been deleted.

  3. Run kubectl delete pvc <NAME> to remove a PVC. For example:

    kubectl delete pvc raftlog-admin-nuodb-cluster0-0
    kubectl delete pvc archive-volume-sm-demo-nuodb-cluster0-demo-database-0