Prepare to Upgrade

NuoDB Upgrade Compatibility Requirements

An upgrade to NuoDB 6.0 (or later) from NuoDB 5.x releases is supported using Rolling Upgrade or Upgrade with Database Down. For assistance with upgrading to NuoDB 6.0 (or later) from any other previous major release versions, contact NuoDB Support.

NuoDB SQL Execution Engine Upgrade Consideration

If you are upgrading a production environment and your NuoDB database applications have not yet been tested or validated using the Vectorized Execution Engine (VEE), follow these steps.

  1. Test and confirm that your applications work correctly on VEE in a test environment

  2. Upgrade your production database to use VEE

  3. Test and confirm that your production applications are running well on NuoDB 4.2 using VEE

  4. Upgrade the Database Software

  5. Upgrade the Database Protocol

Pre-Upgrade Best Practices

Before you upgrade to a newer NuoDB release, follow these best practices.

  1. Stop a Storage Manager (SM) and run nuoarchive check on the archive of every storage group served by that SM. For more information, see NuoDB Archive - Checking.

  2. Back up your databases. For more information, see Backing Up and Restoring Databases.

  3. Determine whether you want to change any NuoDB configuration files to take advantage of New Features or Changes to features. Make the necessary updates to the configuration files on each upgraded host before you restart the Admin Process (AP) on that host. Installation of the new NuoDB release will not overwrite the existing configuration files $NUODB_CFGDIR/nuoadmin.conf, $NUODB_CFGDIR/jvm-options, or $NUODB_HOME/etc/nuodb.config.

The $NUODB_HOME/etc has sample files nuoadmin.conf.sample, jvm-options.sample, and nuodb.config.sample. For information on the value of NUODB_HOME, NUODB_CFGDIR, or other variables, see Environment Variables.