Communication Graphs

Sent Rate of Data

This line graph plots the number of bytes sent from each Storage Manager (SM) and Transaction Engine (TE).

Sent Rate of Data.
Figure 1. Sent Rate of Data

Use Case

Depending on the workload and index update, the TEs typically have more outgoing bytes than incoming. SMs would have less. Sustained differences may need investigation. Comparing the historical plots with current plots may yield some clues to issues.

Graph Creation Detail

To create a graph using other tools, use the following detail:

  • BytesSent: for the 8 x rate of BytesSent for each SM and TE, average

Received Rate of Data

This line graph plots the number of bytes received by each SM or TE.

Received Rate of Data.
Figure 2. Received Rate of Data

Use Case

Depending on the workload and index updates, the TEs typically have more incoming bytes than SMs. Sustained differences may need investigation. Comparing the historical plots with current plots may yield some clues to issues.

Graph Creation Detail

To create a graph using other tools, use the following detail:

  • BytesReceived: for the 8 x rate of BytesReceived for each SM and TE, average

Sent Rate of Messages

This line graph plots the number of messages sent per SM and TE. Each message may have a variable data payload.

Sent Rate of Messages.
Figure 3. Sent Rate of Messages

Use Case

Depending on the workload, the TEs typically have more outgoing messages than SMs. Sustained differences may need investigation. Comparing the historical plots with current plots may yield some clues to issues.

Graph Creation Detail

To create a graph using other tools, use the following detail:

  • MessagesSent: for the rate of MessagesSent, average

Received Rate of Messages

This graph plots the number of messages received per SM and TE. Each message may have a variable data payload.

Received Rate of Messages.
Figure 4. Received Rate of Messages

Use Case

Depending on the workload, the TEs typically have more incoming messages than SM. Sustained differences may need investigation. Comparing the historical plots with current plots may yield some clues to issues.

Graph Creation Detail

To create a graph using other tools, use the following detail:

  • MessagesReceived: for the rate of MessagesReceived for each SM and TE, average