Linux Bare Metal / VM

Quick Start Guide

NuoDB supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Linux distributions. For specific version support details, please see System Requirements.

These Quick Start Guides cover "bare metal" and virtual machine deployments of NuoDB installed with a Limited Use License using either the RPM or TAR package download files. That is, installation on a Linux physical host or VMware / Parallels type virtual machine (VM) other than Docker or Kubernetes, for which separate install images and Quick Start Guides are available.

VirtualBox emulates the Nehalem Intel processor by default, which is not supported by NuoDB 6.0.2 and later.
Use the TAR package download if you do not have permissions to create system directories or run systemctl or service commands on the system you plan to install it on. The TAR package can be installed into and run from any directory.


  • At least 1 GB of memory and 8 GB of disk space available is recommended.

    This is sufficient to run the Quick Start sample commands and install the provided sample database. If you plan to start additional Transaction Engines (TEs) or import a larger database, you will need to increase available system resources accordingly.
  • Java is required. For version support, see System Requirements.

  • Python is required. For version support, see System Requirements.


The following terms are used in this section:

  • Domain - A set of hosts (server machines) on which Admin Processes (APs) and NuoDB databases reside. For more information, see Domain Administration.

  • Admin Process (AP) - A process for managing configuration, database processes and client connections. For more information, see see Admin Process (AP).

  • Archive - The physical database stored on disk.

  • Database - a set of TEs and SMs working together to provide SQL access to the data in the archive.

  • Storage Manager (SM) - Manages the reading and writing of data from and to the archive. It implements the "D" in the term ACID transactions, "D"uribility.

  • Transaction Engine (TE) - Parses and runs all SQL commands for clients. Implements the "ACI" in the term ACID transactions, "A"tomicity, "C"onsistency and "I"solation.

  • nuosql - NuoDB command line tool for connecting to the database and running SQL commands. For more information, see NuoDB SQL.

Download NuoDB

Customers can download NuoDB using their login credentials from the password protected NuoDB Support Portal. If you are a customer and do not have your NuoDB download login credentials, please contact NuoDB Support.


Once you have downloaded your NuoDB installation package, continue to the relevant page:

The only differences between these two Quick Start sections are subtle differences in pathnames and the command to start the NuoDB Admin Process (AP), nuoadmin.