Displaying Database Engine Attributes

There may be times when you would like to verify the NuoDB database process attributes for each process. This section includes commands that will display database process attributes using various filtering methods.

The following commands are issued using NuoDB Command (nuocmd). For more information on NuoDB Command and other command line tools, see Command Line Tools.
nuocmd --show-json get processes [--db-name database_name]
nuocmd --show-json-fields hostname,type,labels get processes [--db-name database_name]
nuocmd --show-json-fields hostname,type,labels get sql-connection --db-name <database name> --connection-properties property "property value"

The following image shows an example of displaying only desired attributes (using the --show-json-fields argument) by running nuocmd --show-json-fields hostname,type,labels get processes [--db-name database_name].

OpenShift nuocmd getjson2

The following image shows an example of confirming a matching Transaction Engine (TE) for a given LBQuery or LBPolicy expression (using the nuocmd get sql-connection sub-command) by running nuocmd --show-json-fields hostname,type,labels get sql-connection --db-name <database name> --connection-properties property "property value".

OpenShift nuocmd getjson3

The above image illustrated confirmation of a TE named "test-te-1-1" which matches the given LBQuery expression.