Obtaining and Installing an Enterprise Edition License

A license is required for the Enterprise Edition of NuoDB. For more information on editions of NuoDB, see About NuoDB Editions.

If a valid non-expired Enterprise Edition license is installed (see Installing an Enterprise Edition License), then the functionality provided by the Enterprise Edition is enabled. Otherwise, the functionality available is that as provided by the Community Edition.

The Community Edition of NuoDB limits users to one Storage Manager (SM) and three Transaction Engines (TEs), while the Enterprise Edition imposes no limits. The limitations associated with a Community license are enforced whenever the user requests a NuoDB database process (SM or TE) to be started.

Obtaining an Enterprise Edition License

To obtain the license file required to enable deployment of the Enterprise Edition, customers should contact their NuoDB support representative.

The contents of NuoDB license files have following form:

<base64-encoded data>
-----END LICENSE-----
It is important that the license file is not modified in any way, so that the license can be verified by NuoDB (this includes changing whitespace in the file, which can happen unintentionally on Windows if a file is copy-and-pasted into an editor like Notepad).

Checking a NuoDB License File

The human-readable information encoded in the license file can be printed using the following command:

nuocmd --show-json check license --license-file /tmp/nuodb.lic
  "expires": "2119-08-16T20:00:30.720739",
  "holder": "Test Customer",
  "type": "ENTERPRISE"

It is recommended to execute this command before installing the license to ensure that the license has the correct attributes before installing it into the domain.

Check Effective License

The effective license for a domain or for a particular NuoDB Admin Process (AP) can be checked by using the following command:

nuocmd --show-json get effective-license
  "decodedLicense": {
    "type": "COMMUNITY"
  "effectiveForDomain": false

The decodedLicense field contains the same information that would be found by running nuocmd check license, and the effectiveForDomain field indicates whether the license is stored in the domain state, which makes it available to all APs. In previous versions of NuoDB, the only way to install a license was by storing it in $NUODB_CFGDIR/nuodb.lic, which meant it had to be installed on all NuoDB Admin servers manually. In the example above, nuocmd get effective-license is run against a server that has no $NUODB_CFGDIR/nuodb.lic file and has no license installed in the domain state (indicated by "effectiveForDomain": false), so the default license of type of COMMUNITY is in effect for the AP.

Installing an Enterprise Edition License

Having checked that the attributes encoded in the license file are correct, the license can be installed into the domain using the following command:

nuocmd set license --license-file /tmp/nuodb.lic

This causes the license to be propagated to all APs in the domain.

Confirming License Level

To confirm that your NuoDB domain has the correct license, use the nuocmd get effective-license command:

nuocmd --show-json get effective-license
  "decodedLicense": {
    "expires": "2119-08-16T20:00:30.720739",
    "holder": "Test Customer",
    "type": "ENTERPRISE"
  "effectiveForDomain": true,
  "encodedLicense": "-----BEGIN LICENSE----- ... -----END LICENSE-----\n"

The output above shows that the license type is ENTERPRISE, which imposes no limits on the user. The effectiveForDomain field is true to indicate that the license is stored in the domain state and available to all APs.

The original way of installing a license by creating file $NUODB_CFGDIR/nuodb.lic still works but it is our recommendation to use the new method. The new method has precedence over the original way.

For more information on NuoDB Command (nuocmd) and other command line tools, see Command Line Tools.