RPM Package Install
Install and Configure NuoDB
Download the NuoDB installation package and install it using the rpm --install
For example:
sudo rpm --install nuodb-n.n.n.n.x86_64.rpm
If a NuoDB RPM package is already installed, upgrade the package using the rpm --upgrade
For example:
sudo rpm --upgrade nuodb-n.n.n.n.x86_64.rpm
For full NuoDB installation details, see Installing NuoDB.
Add the NuoDB bin
sub-directory to your $PATH
environment variable to save typing the full path when running NuoDB commands, like nuocmd
or nuosql
export NUODB_HOME=/opt/nuodb
We’ll disable TLS encryption for this quick-start example. Of course you should avoid running production systems with TLS disabled. To disable TLS run:
$NUODB_HOME/etc/nuoadmin tls disable
Start the NuoDB Admin Service
Start the NuoDB Admin service, nuoadmin
On newer Linux releases, the command is:
sudo systemctl start nuoadmin
The above command should return a message that NuoDB is starting.
If not, check the log file for error messages indicating the possible cause.
You can find the log file for the NuoDB Admin Process (AP) in /var/log/nuodb/nuoadmin.log
When using the package-based install, the NuoDB Admin service will automatically restart on reboot. |
The nuocmd
command is used to interact with the NuoDB Admin service.
For example, the following command shows the NuoDB Admin service named nuoadmin-0
and the LEADER
for the domain, and was started on a host server host1
There is no databases associated with the domain yet.
nuocmd show domain
server version: 6.0-1-fc6a857de9, server license: Limited
server time: 2023-11-20T13:15:28.020, client token: 7dc8fd8bcc6dfd5fcd96dd7414d7a03d94c19779
[nuoadmin-0] host1:48005 [last_ack = 0.85] [member = ADDED] [raft_state = ACTIVE] (LEADER, Leader=nuoadmin-0, log=0/3/3) Connected *
Install a Limited Use License
To obtain the license file required to deploy NuoDB with a Limited Use License, contact NuoDB Support. To install the Limited Use License, run:
nuocmd set license --license-file </path/to/nuodb.lic>
For more information, see Obtain and Install a Product License.
Create an Archive
Create a NuoDB archive to store the database data on disk:
nuocmd create archive --db-name hockey --server-id nuoadmin-0 \
--archive-path /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives/hockey
In the above example, we’re using the pre-created /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives
directory and calling both the archive and database "hockey" as we’ll be populating it with sample NHL ice hockey team and player statistics later.
The NuoDB Hockey schema contains teams, players, and historical game statistics from past North American NHL (National Hockey League) professional ice hockey games from 1909-2011. Knowledge of the game of ice hockey is not required to follow this example! |
The server-id nuoadmin-0
is the name of the NuoDB Admin service we started previously.
The database archive will be managed by the Storage Manager (SM).
The output of the command should be similar to:
db_name=hockey, id=0, server_id=nuoadmin-0, state=PROVISIONED)
To check and confirm the database archive has been created, run:
nuocmd show archives
[0] nuoadmin-0 : /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives/hockey @ hockey [journal_path = ] [snapshot_archive_path = ] PROVISIONED
Create and Start an Empty Database
Creating a NuoDB database will automatically start a Transaction Engine (TE) and Storage Manager (SM).
The TE processes SQL queries and the SM manages reads and writes to the database archive. To create a database hockey
nuocmd create database --db-name hockey --dba-user dba \
--dba-password goalie --te-server-ids nuoadmin-0
In the above example, we’ve named the database "hockey", set up a user "dba" with the password "goalie", and requested a TE to start on server-id nuoadmin-0
which is the name of the NuoDB Admin Process (AP) we started previously.
An SM will also be automatically started on server-id nuoadmin-0
, which is the server-id associated with the archive we created.
The output of the above command should be similar to:
STARTING: StartProcessRequest(archive_id=0, db_name=hockey, engine_type=SM, labels{}, options{}, server_id=nuoadmin-0)
STARTING: StartProcessRequest(db_name=hockey, engine_type=TE, labels{}, options{}, server_id=nuoadmin-0)
Re-running nuocmd show domain
will now show the "hockey" database is associated with the domain, and is in state = RUNNING
, with an SM and a TE process, both in state MONITORED:RUNNING
nuocmd show domain
server version: 6.0-1-fc6a857de9, server license: Enterprise
server time: 2023-11-20T14:05:22.124, client token: 7dc8fd8bcc6dfd5fcd96dd7414d7a03d94c19779
[nuoadmin-0] host1:48005 [last_ack = 0.85] [member = ADDED] [raft_state = ACTIVE] (LEADER, Leader=nuoadmin-0, log=0/15/15) Connected *
hockey [state = RUNNING]
[SM] host1:48006 [start_id = 0] [server_id = nuoadmin-0] [pid = 39] [node_id = 1] [last_ack = 9.30] MONITORED:RUNNING
[TE] host1:48006 [start_id = 1] [server_id = nuoadmin-0] [pid = 40] [node_id = 2] [last_ack = 7.47] MONITORED:RUNNING
If your
Import a Sample Database
Create the sample ice hockey database schema by running the following commands:
for sqlfile in create-db.sql Players.sql Scoring.sql Teams.sql; do
nuosql hockey --schema hockey --user dba --password goalie \
< $NUODB_HOME/samples/quickstart/sql/$sqlfile >/dev/null 2>&1;
Log into nuosql
nuosql hockey --user dba --password goalie
At the SQL>
prompt type the following commands to connect to the hockey
schema and display the tables that belong to the hockey
use hockey;
show tables;
Tables in schema HOCKEY
Try out some SQL commands on the hockey database, such as:
select * from TEAMS where TEAMS.YEAR=2011;
Now try a more advanced query such as:
select p.lastName, p.firstName, s.year, s.teamID, s.gamesPlayed
from players p, scoring s
where p.birthCountry = 'Slovakia'
and s.playerID = p.playerID
order by p.lastName;
To exit, type:
To re-invoke nuosql
, type:
nuosql hockey --schema hockey --user dba --password goalie
Try out some more NuoDB SQL commands as described in SQL Language, such as the SQL System Information Functions.
Or use a 3rd party utility such as DbVisualizer or SQL Workbench/J to explore the sample ice hockey database. See Using DbVisualizer and Using SQL Workbench/J.
To shutdown the database:
nuocmd shutdown database --db-name hockey
Re-running nuocmd show domain
will now show the "hockey" database in the state NOT_RUNNING
, with both the SM and TE shutdown, but with the nuoadmin
service still running.
To shutdown the NuoDB Admin service:
nuocmd shutdown server --server-id nuoadmin-0
After shutting down the NuoDB Admin service, nuocmd
can no longer be used as there’s no NuoDB Admin service to which to connect.
If the NuoDB Admin service was shutdown, restart it using the same command we used to start it initially:
On newer Linux releases, the command is:
sudo systemctl start nuoadmin
The database archive was not deleted, and therefore is still available. To restart the database and the SM and TE database processes:
nuocmd start database --db-name hockey --te-server-ids nuoadmin-0
To restart an additional TE:
nuocmd start process --db-name hockey --server-id nuoadmin-0 \
--engine-type TE
The limit is three TEs and one SM when using the NuoDB Limited License.
Running nuocmd show domain
shows that each database engine invocation receives a unique start_id
Each start_id
is uniquely identifiable and is never reused within a given NuoDB Admin domain, whereas node_id
assignments for each database engine invocation are unique per database invocation and reset back to 1 on database restart.
Next Steps
We hope you’ve enjoyed your quick start guide to NuoDB. If you had any questions or comments, please contact NuoDB Support. We’d love to hear from you!
If you wish to run a larger proof-of-concept (POC) using the NuoDB Enterprise Edition (EE), which enables unlimited scale out of the database Storage Managers (SMs) and Transactions Engines (TEs), please contact sales@nuodb.com for an Enterprise Edition license.
Here’s a selection of potential next steps. Those sections involving multiple SMs require an Enterprise Edition license: