Resolving Warnings About Previously Used NuoDB IDs

During installation of the NuoDB RPM package you might receive one of the warnings below. If you see these warnings, there are some additional steps you must follow before NuoDB is completely installed.

Warning: Unable to use the previous group id used by nuodb and a new
group id has been created. You may need to change group ownership on
certain files.  Please consult the NuoDB Linux Installation
documentation for details.
Warning: Unable to use the previous user id used by nuodb and a new
user id has been created. You may need to change ownership on
certain files.  Please consult the NuoDB Linux Installation
documentation for details.

These warnings mean that:

  • There is an installation of NuoDB already in /opt/nuodb, AND

  • The installation is owned by a user or group other than the nuodb user or group.

In this situation you have two choices:

  1. Delete the previous installation and re-install.

  2. Repair the user ID and group ID on all NuoDB files.

Deleting the Previous Installation

If you do not care about existing databases, log files, or changes made to nuoadmin.conf, then uninstall NuoDB and delete all artifacts in NuoDB default directories. This means removing:

  • /opt/nuodb/etc

  • /var/opt/nuodb

  • /var/log/nuodb

  • /etc/nuodb

Now you can re-install this version of NuoDB.

Repairing User IDs and Group IDs

If you do care about existing databases, log files, and changes made nuoadmin.conf, then you will have to change the ownership of existing NuoDB files and directories. Run the following commands:

sudo chown -R nuodb:nuodb /opt/nuodb
sudo chown -R nuodb:nuodb /var/opt/nuodb
sudo chown -R nuodb:nuodb /var/log/nuodb
sudo chown -R nuodb:nuodb /etc/nuodb

If you chose a non-default location for your archive and journal directories, you must run the same commands on those directories.

Now the database processes will automatically start and your database requirements will be met.