Understanding EXPLAIN Command Output

The purpose of reading the output from the NuoDB EXPLAIN command (see EXPLAIN) is to see the execution plan that the optimizer will choose to quickly retrieve, join, group or summarize, and sort the rows that the SQL statement operates on or returns. The SQL statement can be a SELECT statement or any DML statement that requires the optimizer to first retrieve the rows that will be modified.

The NuoDB EXPLAIN command displays the execution plan as a tree of operators where each child operator produces the records consumed by its parent operator. When you read the plan from top to bottom you can see the order in which NuoDB SQL forms the plan. When you read the plan from bottom to top you see the plan as the query engine will execute it. An exception to this is the order of the join operations, which should be interpreted top to bottom.

With the information provided in the execution plan, you might choose to modify SQL statement or database structure to improve performance. For example, you might decide to add or remove indexes or override the indexes that the optimizer chooses by using hints (see Using Optimizer Hints).

The EXPLAIN command output provides the following information:

  • SQL statement - this is the type of SQL statement. This can be any one of the following: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE.

  • list of fields- the columns being selected, updated, replaced, deleted - the projection.

  • execution plan - operator tree generated by the optimizer. The execution plan takes a set of inputs, displayed as sub-trees, and returns a stream of records as a result of the SQL statement.

Execution Plan Operators

The execution plan is a hierarchical sequence of the following operators:

Operator Description

Bitmap filter

The parent operation of all index access methods that produce a bitmap of record IDs given some input conditions and index[es] This operation doesn’t pass the matching keys to the parent node, only the record IDs. Depending on the available indexes and predicates there may be various bitmap index scan plans, described in Bitmap Scan Plans.


Eliminates duplicates from the input stream.


Represents any predicate in the WHERE and JOIN clauses. This operator applies Boolean conditions to its input stream to output only those records that satisfy the condition[s]. A sequence of Filter operators is interpreted as an implicit AND.

Join conditions are represented as Filter operations on top of the inner (second) join table. Such conditions reference at least one column of an outer table (that appears before the current operation in the plan).

Filter scan

Retrieve all keys between a lower and/or an upper key boundaries from an index. Unlike the Bitmap filter operation, a Filter scan produces a stream of both matching keys and their corresponding record IDs. This stream is sorted according to the order of the keys in the index.


Builds a hash table from input rows. Used in combination with other operators like the Hash join. One table column is used as the lookup key. Hash supports Spill to Disk.

Hash grouping

Aggregates all rows for GROUP BY using a hash table.

In the first phase all incoming rows are consumed and aggregated into a hash table which breaks streamed processing. In the second phase the aggregated values are streamed group-wise in no particular order.

Unlike Streamed grouping, Hash grouping does not need an ordered input. Hash grouping supports Spill to Disk.

Hash join

Joins to a table using a hash table (see Hash).

The joined table is available as a hash table which allows very efficient lookup of join hits for a single join column. This avoids access paths via the table such as table scan with filter. The compute and memory usage for building of the hash table price to be paid to use this efficient join.

Left Hash Anti Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Left Hash Mark Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Left Hash Semi Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Nested Loop Join

Joins two or more tables based on the predicate conditions of the JOIN and/or WHERE clauses via a nested loops algorithm. This operator takes as input two or more streams of records from any record-producing operation. The top-most table in the EXPLAIN output is the outer-most table, also called the first table. That is, the order of the joined tables in the query plan is top to bottom.

The output from the JOIN operator is a stream of records, from all input tables, that match the JOIN criteria.

Partial Sort

Sorts the input stream given that a prefix of the sort key is already sorted.

Record fetch

Fetch all records given a set of record IDs and produce a stream of records. The input set of record IDs is represented as a bitmap and is produced by a Bitmap filter operation.

Since the records are fetched according to their order in the input bitmap, the resulting stream of records has no specific ordering with respect to the keys and cannot be used to satisfy an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause. Given that the records are retrieved in ID order, the retrieval happens in physical order, and reduces the amount of random I/O reads. The record fetch operation can be shallow when the actual key and record columns are not needed by any parent operation. This is the case when only the total count of matching keys is needed. See Index Ordering Properties.

Right Hash Anti Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Right Hash Mark Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Right Hash Outer Join

A dedicated implementation of a right outer join using hashing.

Right Hash Semi Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries using hashing.

Right Index Semi Join

A dedicated join implementation for existential subqueries looking up qualifying tuples in an index.


Sorts input by sort keys to produce a sorted table. This operator processes all input rows so it breaks streamed processing. The input rows are materialized for the sorted representation, so the memory footprint might be significantly high.

Sort supports Spill to Disk.

Streamed aggregation

Aggregates rows for the only group of an aggregated select without GROUP BY.

If aggregate functions are used without a GROUP BY, there is only a single group. In such cases, Streamed aggregation operator is more efficient than the grouping operators, as it does not have to operate on the grouping keys to determine the group for aggregation.

As only a single result row is produced the Streamed aggregation processes all input rows before returning the result.

Streamed grouping

Aggregates sorted input rows for GROUP BY and stream results.

For Streamed grouping the input rows need to be sorted by the GROUP BY columns. This guarantees all rows of a group are in a sequence, so the results can be streamed without consuming the complete input first.

Streamed grouping has a low memory footprint as it only needs to keep a single group in memory at a time. The sorting requirement means it can be applied in less situations than the more general Hash grouping unless used in combination with a Sort operator.

Streaming [covering] record fetch

Retrieve the records that correspond to the keys of an input Filter scan.

If all columns of the accessed table that are referenced in the query are present in the index, there is no need to read any records from the table. Such index scans are called covering, and are denoted as Streaming covering record fetch. Covering record fetch only decodes the input keys into record format.

Non-covering index scans fetch the matching records in the order of the record IDs in the input stream. Since the input is ordered by key, and not by record ID, the records are fetched in via random I/O reads, which is slower compared to the Record fetch operation.

The result of a Streaming record fetch (covering or not) is sorted as its input, and can be used to optimize an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause.

Table Scan

Retrieves all records of a table and passes them to the parent operation for further processing. Table scan is chosen either if there is no index, or the indexes defined are not usable based on the predicates in the WHERE clause, or the optimizer considered that using the index would be too costly.

The optimizer would determine a potential index to be too costly if, based on the predicates, the majority of rows in the table would be retrieved. In this case, a full table scan would be more efficient.

Table scans can be shallow, which means that the actual record data is not needed. This is the case when only the total record count is needed.


Combines multiple inputs of the same structure into one result stream. This is a streaming operator.


Calculates the window function across a set of rows specified by the OVER clause. For more information, see SQL Window Functions.

Bitmap Scan Plans

Indexes in NuoDB can be logically thought of as sequences of pairs (Key, RecordID), ordered by the Key. The result of a bitmap index scan consists of all RecordIDs that match a range of keys specified by a lower and/or an upper key boundaries. The set of matching RecordIDs are represented as a bitmap which is passed to the parent operator to retrieve the resulting records given their record IDs.

The simplest possible bitmap index scan plan consists of a single Bitmap scan operator that scans a range of keys of a single index. The boundaries that define this range of keys are derived from the conjuncts in WHERE clause that reference the index’s columns. For example, given an index I1(col1, col2), and a WHERE clause (col1 = 'abc' AND col2 >= 5 AND col2 ⇐ 8), the range of keys that will be scanned starts with the key 'abc5' and ends with the key 'abc8'. If the index contains the following (Key, RecordID) pairs: {('aaa3', 4), ('abc5', 2), ('abc7', 5), ('abc8', 3), ('xyz1', 1)}, the result of this index scan would be a bitmap with the following bits set: {2,3,5}.

Bitmap index scan operators can be organized into composite plans that utilize more than one index on the same table. For instance given two indexes I1(col1) and I2(col2) the conjunction above could be evaluated by scanning each index using the boundary from the corresponding condition, and then performing a logical AND between the resulting bitmaps. Similarly, a disjunction like (col1 = 'abc' OR (col2 >= 5 AND col2 ⇐ 8)) can be evaluated by scanning the two indexes using a Bitmap scan operation, and then performing a logical OR between the resulting bitmaps.

Arbitrarily nested AND/OR conditions can be computed via correctly nested bitmap intersection and union operations. Such composite plans are called index union and intersection (IIU) plans. In order to compute such plans, NuoDB employs two more operations:

  • Bitmap And - this operation takes as input at least two bitmap-producing operations (either Bitmap scan or Bitmap Or), and produces a bitmap that is the logical AND of all its inputs.

  • Bitmap Or - this operation takes as input at least two bitmap-producing operations (either Bitmap scan or Bitmap And), and produces a bitmap that is the logical OR of all its inputs.

These Bitmap And/Or operations can be arbitrarily nested. The cost-based optimizer of NuoDB decides what is the optimal combination of bitmap scan operators that reduces the total cost of scanning the indexes in the IIU plan, plus the subsequent cost of fetching the resulting records via a Record fetch operation.

Index Ordering Properties

A Record fetch takes as input a bitmap of record IDs (produced by a bitmap scan plan), and fetches records in record ID order. This order is unrelated to the order of the keys in the scanned index(es). As a result bitmap index scan plans cannot be used to optimize GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, and the records are then processed by additional sorting and grouping operations.

A Streaming record fetch operation retrieves records in index key order because its input Filter scan operator produces the resulting keys according to their index order. The optimizer can make use of this ordering property to optimize the processing of GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses of the SQL statement. If the order of records output by the streaming index scan matches the order specified by the ORDER BY clause of the SQL statement, then the optimizer will completely optimize out the sort from the execution plan.

A Streaming covering record fetch operation is similar to a streaming index scan in that it also fetches records in index key order. The optimizer will choose this index method if the index contains all of the columns that are to be retrieved. Therefore, the optimizer can make use of covering indexes to retrieve the result set information without fetching table records, and optimize the processing of both the GROUP BY and the ORDER BY clauses.

Execution plan statistics

The EXPLAIN command, in addition to displaying the execution plan, can provide additional information that the optimizer uses to choose the most efficient execution plan for a SQL statement. It is also possible to display the actual statistics resulting from the execution of the plan. See EXPLAIN for the command usage. This section describes this additional information provided by each of these EXPLAIN command options.

Cost Estimates

In addition to the query execution plan, the EXPLAIN command also shows the cost and cardinality estimates that the optimizer used for each operation in the plan. This functionality is controlled by EXPLAIN option OPT_ESTIMATES. its default is ON, so normally the estimates used by the optimizer are shown as part of the query plan. These estimates are based on database statistics that are computed for each table and index, and stored in NuoDB system tables (see Improving Query Performance). These estimates are computed internally by the optimizer and cannot be changed. See Example 6 below.

In order for the optimizer to choose the most efficient execution plan, database statistics should be kept up-to-date to reflect changes to the underlying tables. To update database statistics, run the ANALYZE command. This ANALYZE command should be run for every table in the SQL statement being passed to the EXPLAIN command. Alternatively, it can be run for each index on every table in the SQL statement (see ANALYZE command).

Some of the information provided by these cost estimates include:

Type of Estimate



This represents an abstract measure of how expensive an execution plan is. It is currently measured in terms of abstact I/O units. The lower the cost of an operation, the faster it is supposed to evaluate. This is the case both for atomic operations, composite operations, and the query execution plan as a whole.

est. rows

The number of rows that will be produced by the corresponding operator.

est. keys

The number of keys that will be produced by the corresponding index scan operator.

Analyze Cost Statistics

The ANALYZE option of the EXPLAIN command evaluates the SQL statement, and collects actual statistics for each operator of the execution plan. These statistics are displayed in EXPLAIN format annotated with the counters' information. The ANALYZE command supports all DML statements.

If a SQL statement has bind parameters NuoDB may dynamically re-optimize the execution plan at run time, when the parameters values are provided. This could cause the optimizer to chose a different execution plan from the one displayed by the EXPLAIN command output. The ANALYZE option is very useful in this case, as it shows the actual execution plan being evaluated.

When the ANALYZE option is set to ON, the EXPLAIN command output displays execution plan operators and the values of various timers and counters as a comma-separated list enclosed in parentheses. These include:


This is the total time that this node took during execution. The time unit is shown right after the measured time.

actual rows

This is the actual number of records produced by the operator. This number can be compared to the est. rows value produced by the optimizer to judge the precision of the optimizer estimate. It can also be used to reason about the performance of this and subsequent operations.

actual keys

This is the number of keys produced as output by an index scan operator. It can be compared to the est. keys parameter.


The number of vectors used by the operation.

The Coerce Operator

The COERCE operator is the operator which performs the implicit conversions decided by the Data Type Conversion mechanism. The presence of this operator in a query plan indicates that the initial query contains discrepancies in terms of types which were corrected automatically by the NuoDB query compiler. The COERCE operator is functionally similar to the CAST operator, but is not available as a separate call (it is only used internally). Unlike the CAST operator which performs truncation and/or rounding, in certain cases when the value to be converted does not fit in the target type, the COERCE operator is designed to be lossless and throws an error if the conversion would require truncation and/or rounding.


create table t(name binary(10));
insert into t values ('Albertine'), ('Hunter'), ('Mandy');
explain select UPPER(name) from t;
Project [UPPER]
 Evaluation UPPER(COERCE(T.NAME AS string))
   Table scan T (cost: 16.0, est. rows: 3)
In the example above, the column name has type binary(10) but the UPPER expression expects its argument to be of type string. The NuoDB query compiler is implicitly converting that argument to a string type.

About Execution Plans

A few things to note when looking at execution plans:

  • Full Table scans are often (but not always) to be avoided. Indexes can be added to tables based on columns used in the WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses. However, adding indexes can have a negative impact on SQL DML statement performance.

  • Index hints can be used to override indexes that the optimizer might choose (see Using Optimizer Hints).

  • The output can display additional information which the optimizer computes based on options that can be specified for the EXPLAIN command. See EXPLAIN command for a detailed description of these options and the information that it displays. Several of the examples below show this additional information.

  • Updating index statistics can provide the optimizer with more accurate cost estimates (see ANALYZE).

  • In multi-table joins, the join order is very important. Poor join order selection can make a query very slow. It is the job of the optimizer to choose the best join order.

  • The optimizer attempts to coerce query constants to the appropriate types to compare against fields in a table. Make sure the constants are of the appropriate data types.

The output from the EXPLAIN command gives a complete view of the plan that the optimizer produced. However, you should not expect the execution plan to stay static throughout the life of a database. Some reasons for this are:

  • As tables shrink and grow relative to other tables the optimizer could make different decisions about the best execution plan.

  • The distribution of the values in each column may change over time, which in turn may change the number of records that would match a condition on this column.

  • Different processes (Transaction Engines) in a database may have slightly different (newer) information about tables and indexes. The execution plan generated may depend on to which TE the client is connected.

Examples of EXPLAIN Command Output

Example 1: Simple EXPLAIN command output with full table scan

The simplest execution plan is one for which there is no index and no filter conditions. A simple execution plan is generated from the following query:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM hockey.players;

This results in the following query plan:

  • a Project operator, representing the list of columns being selected from its input stream.

  • a Table scan operator returns a stream of records representing the entire HOCKEY.PLAYERS table. The Table scan operator also shows the estimated cost to scan the whole table, and the estimated number or rows of the HOCKEY.PLAYERS. The cost is proportional to the estimated number of records and the estimated record size.

    The EXPLAIN command output for such an execution plan looks as follows.

     Table scan PLAYERS (cost: 1141765.6, est. rows: 7520)
Example 2: EXPLAIN command output for SQL statement with a predicate

This example uses the same SQL SELECT statement as the previous example and adds a predicate. However, the column in the WHERE clause is not indexed.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM players WHERE firstname = 'Mike';

This results in a Project operator with a single input - a Filter operator that applies the only condition (PLAYERS.FIRSTNAME = 'Mike') to the result of its input Table scan. The Filter operator returns a stream of records with only those records where “FIRSTNAME='Mike'” is true.

The EXPLAIN command output for such an execution plan looks as follows.

 Filter (PLAYERS.FIRSTNAME = 'Mike')
   Table scan PLAYERS (cost: 1141765.6, est. rows: 7520)
Example 3: EXPLAIN command output for SQL statement with Index

Let’s modify the query, adding a predicate on PLAYERID, so that it uses the primary key index on the PLAYERS.PLAYERID field as in:

EXPLAIN SELECT firstname, lastname FROM players WHERE PLAYERID > 'a';

 Filter (PLAYERS.PLAYERID > 'a')
   Table scan PLAYERS (cost: 1141765.6, est. rows: 7520)

This also results in the same query plan as the previous table, except for the Project operator which selects only two of all its input fields.

The EXPLAIN command output is still showing a Table scan operator on the PLAYERS table, even though we are providing a predicate based on the column defined by the primary key index. Why does the optimizer choose to not use the unique primary key index? The optimizer has the benefit of knowing, based on the index statistics, that all of the rows in the table will return a true evaluation of the predicate. In this case, the optimizer computes a cost estimate for a full table scan to be more efficient than a cost estimate for an Index scan.

What if the predicate is modified to reduce the number of rows evaluating to true as compared to the total number of rows. At some point, the optimizer will compute the cost of an Index scan to be lower than the cost of a full table scan. Lower cost is interpreted as "more efficient" by the optimizer, therefore it will choose to perform an Index scan.

EXPLAIN SELECT firstname, lastname FROM players WHERE PLAYERID > 'm';

 Record fetch PLAYERS (cost: 1064919.7, est. rows: 3396)
   Bitmap filter # Note: Index scan on index PLAYERS..PRIMARY_KEY
     Bitmap scan PLAYERS..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[>'m':inf]) (cost: 33688.3, est. keys: 3396) # Lower bound: "c", upper bound: "inf"

This plan performs a Bitmap index scan on index PLAYERS..PRIMARY_KEY, where the lower bound of the key range is "c", and there is no upper bound. The resulting bitmap is consumed by a Record fetch operation that fetches the matching records from table PLAYERS. Note that the optimizer removed the Filter operation from the previous plan because the index scan guarantees that it will produce only the keys that match the condition PLAYERID > 'm'.

If an upper bound is supplied to the SQL SELECT statement, you’ll see a few differences in the output:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM players WHERE playerid > 'm' AND playerid < 'q';

 Record fetch PLAYERS (cost: 466451.3, est. rows: 1488)
   Bitmap filter
     Bitmap scan PLAYERS..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[>'m':<'q']) (cost: 14756.0, est. keys: 1488) # An upper bound "q" has been added
Example 4: EXPLAIN command output with a JOIN clause

Now let’s try a JOIN clause. Let’s select all of the players from the 2011 Stanley Cup Champions: The Boston Bruins. The execution plan for this SQL statement is as follows:


Nested Loop Join (cost: 1771589.6, est. rows: 6193)
  Filter (P.BIRTHCITY >= 'Bos')
  Filter (P.BIRTHCITY < 'Bot')
  Filter (P.BIRTHCITY LIKE 'Bos%' ESCAPE '\\')
    Table scan P (PLAYERS) (cost: 1141765.6, est. rows: 7520)
  Record fetch S (SCORING) (cost: 620.4, est. rows: 6)
    Bitmap filter
        Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[=P.PLAYERID] YEAR[] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 157.7, est. keys: 6)

The Nested Loop Join operator has two inputs:

  • A sequence of Filter operators that filter the output of a Table scan on table PLAYERS.

  • An Record fetch operator on table SCORING, that fetches the records of the bitmap resulting from its child Bitmap scan operator. The join condition S.PLAYERID = P.PLAYERID is "pushed" to the index scan itself, which uses the fact that the first column of the index is PLAYERID. The join condition is evaluated by the index scan, and therefore is not present as a separate Filter operation.

    Notice that the condition P.BIRTHCITY LIKE 'Bos%' has been rewritten to the conjunction (P.BIRTHCITY >= 'Bos' AND P.BIRTHCITY < 'Bot' AND P.BIRTHCITY LIKE 'Bos%'). The additional conditions were generated automatically by the optimizer to enable potential index use. In this case there was no suitable index to use on column PLAYER.BIRTHCITY.

Example 5: EXPLAIN command output with JOIN clause with Index

In the previous example, the full table scan on the PLAYERS table is something we may want to look at. If this was a really big table it could take a considerable amount of time to process. A review of the data model shows that a composite index on both the PLAYERID and BIRTHCITY columns of the PLAYER table would allow for a more direct access based on the predicate, as defined by the WHERE clause. For simplicity the EXPLAIN below shows the plan without the optimizer’s estimates (by using the opt_estimates off option).

CREATE INDEX players_pid_city_idx on players(playerid, birthcity);
ANALYZE INDEX players_pid_city_idx;


 Nested Loop Join
   Filter (P.BIRTHCITY LIKE 'Bos%' ESCAPE '\\')
     Record fetch P (PLAYERS)
       Bitmap filter
         Bitmap scan PLAYERS_PID_CITY_IDX (PLAYERID[] BIRTHCITY[>='Bos':<'Bot'])
   Record fetch S (SCORING)
     Bitmap filter

After the new index is added, the Nested Loop Join operator has changed. Its first input (the outer join table) changed from Table scan to a Record fetch with input Bitmap scan using the auto-generated condition (P.BIRTHCITY >= 'Bos') AND (P.BIRTHCITY < 'Bot'). The two conditions themselves have been eliminated from the Filter operation because they are computed by the index scan.

The overall benefit of this new execution plan is reduced number of input records for the Join operator. This should result in less execution time.

Example 6: EXPLAIN command output with Optimizer Estimates displayed

Let’s look at this same SQL statement with Index Statistics turned on. Remember to run ANALYZE on all tables involved in the SQL statement.



 Nested Loop Join (cost: 1135379.5, est. rows: 6193)
   Filter (P.BIRTHCITY LIKE 'Bos%' ESCAPE '\\')
     Record fetch P (PLAYERS) (cost: 505555.6, est. rows: 1128)
       Bitmap filter
         Bitmap scan PLAYERS_PID_CITY_IDX (PLAYERID[] BIRTHCITY[>='Bos':<'Bot']) (cost: 151001.6, est. keys: 1128)
   Record fetch S (SCORING) (cost: 620.4, est. rows: 6)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[=P.PLAYERID] YEAR[] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 157.7, est. keys: 6)

The cost of the Nested Loop Join went down from 1771589.6 to 1135379.5 compared to the plan from Example 4. The reason for this reduction is that the plan with Table scan from Example 4 will scan all 7520 records, estimated as having cost 1141765.6. The new plan to access table PLAYERS is an index scan where:

  • the cost to scan the keys between 'Bos' and 'Bot' is 151001.6, with much fewer keys to scan than records - 1128 keys.

  • the cost to fetch those 1128 keys by the Record fetch operation is 505555.6, which includes also the cost of its input Bitmap scan operation.

    It is important to notice that the numbers of records shown in the EXPLAIN output are only estimates.

Example 7: EXPLAIN command output with ANALYZE option

For the purpose of this example, we create a table with multiple indexes:

CREATE TABLE testtab (column1 INTEGER, column2 INTEGER, column3 INTEGER, column4ni INTEGER);
INSERT INTO testtab VALUES (1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3), (4,4,4,4), (5,5,5,5);
INSERT INTO testtab SELECT column1+5,  column2+5,  column3+5,  column4ni+5  FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab SELECT column1+10, column2+10, column3+10, column4ni+10 FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab select column1+15, column2+15, column3+15, column4ni+15 FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab select column1+20, column2+20, column3+20, column4ni+20 FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab select column1+25, column2+25, column3+25, column4ni+25 FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab select column1+30, column2+30, column3+30, column4ni+30 FROM testtab;
INSERT INTO testtab select column1+35, column2+35, column3+35, column4ni+35 FROM testtab;

CREATE INDEX idx_testtab_column1 ON testtab (column1);
CREATE INDEX idx_testtab_column2 ON testtab (column2);


The following execution plan is generated statically based on default statistics, without knowledge of the parameter values. In other words, the cost estimates are exactly the same, regardless of the parameter values that are substituted. The examples below show that the plan stays the same no matter what are the parameter values, despite the radically different number of records due to different constants in the predicates.

WHERE (column1 BETWEEN ? AND ? OR column1 BETWEEN ? AND ?)
  AND column2 < ?;

Enter value: 143
Enter value: 3
Enter value: 144
Enter value: 50

 Filter (TESTTAB.COLUMN2 < ?:5)
 Filter (((TESTTAB.COLUMN1 >= ?:1) AND (TESTTAB.COLUMN1 <= ?:2)) OR ((TESTTAB.COLUMN1 >= ?:3) AND (TESTTAB.COLUMN1 <= ?:4)))
   Record fetch TESTTAB (cost: 3348.7, est. rows: 63)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap And (cost: 810.4, est. keys: 63)
         Bitmap Or (cost: 385.9, est. keys: 192)
           Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN1 (COLUMN1[>=?:1:<=?:2]) (cost: 193.0, est. keys: 96)
           Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN1 (COLUMN1[>=?:3:<=?:4]) (cost: 193.0, est. keys: 96)
         Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN2 (COLUMN2[>=-2147483648:<?:5]) (cost: 424.5, est. keys: 211)

WHERE (column1 BETWEEN ? AND ? OR column1 BETWEEN ? AND ?)
  AND column2 < ?;

Enter value: 0
Enter value: 0
Enter value: 0
Enter value: 0
Enter value: 0
 Filter (TESTTAB.COLUMN2 < ?:5)
 Filter (((TESTTAB.COLUMN1 >= ?:1) AND (TESTTAB.COLUMN1 <= ?:2)) OR ((TESTTAB.COLUMN1 >= ?:3) AND (TESTTAB.COLUMN1 <= ?:4)))
   Record fetch TESTTAB (cost: 3348.7, est. rows: 63)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap And (cost: 810.4, est. keys: 63)
         Bitmap Or (cost: 385.9, est. keys: 192)
           Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN1 (COLUMN1[>=?:1:<=?:2]) (cost: 193.0, est. keys: 96)
           Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN1 (COLUMN1[>=?:3:<=?:4]) (cost: 193.0, est. keys: 96)
         Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN2 (COLUMN2[>=-2147483648:<?:5]) (cost: 424.5, est. keys: 211)

When the SQL statement executes the parameter values are substituted. If the optimizer option DelayedQueryOptimization is set to true, the optimizer could calculate different cost estimates that can change the execution plan. With the EXPLAIN command option ANALYZE set to ON, the evaluated plan shows the query engine statistics/counters obtained from the actual execution. This execution plan is generated by the optimizer just before query execution and takes into account the parameter values that have been substituted at execution time. This query plan is much more realistic.

set opt_options DelayedQueryOptimization = true;

WHERE (column1 BETWEEN ? AND ? OR column1 BETWEEN ? AND ?)
  AND column2 < ?;

Enter value: 2
Enter value: 143
Enter value: 3
Enter value: 144
Enter value: 50
 Project COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3, COLUMN4NI (actual rows: 143, time: 847us, batches: 2)
  Filter (TESTTAB.COLUMN2 < 50) (actual rows: 143, time: 843us, batches: 2)
    Record fetch TESTTAB (cost: 6053.3, est. rows: 144, actual rows: 144, time: 549us, batches: 1)
      Bitmap filter
        Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN2 (COLUMN2[>=-2147483648:<50]) (cost: 289.4, est. keys: 144, actual keys: 144, time: 307us)

If we eliminate the runtime parameters, by substituting the parameter values as constants into the SQL statement, the EXPLAIN command output below shows the static execution plan generated with these constant values. This is the exact same plan as the previous execution plan, which was dynamically generated because of the EXPLAIN command option ANALYZE. This is a different plan than the static execution plan that was generated without the ANALYZE option.

WHERE (column1 BETWEEN 2 AND 143 OR column1 BETWEEN 3 AND 144)
  AND column2 < 50;

Project COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3, COLUMN4NI (actual rows: 143, time: 577us, batches: 2)
 Filter (TESTTAB.COLUMN2 <= 49) (actual rows: 143, time: 573us, batches: 2)
   Record fetch TESTTAB (cost: 6053.3, est. rows: 144, actual rows: 144, time: 537us, batches: 1)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap scan IDX_TESTTAB_COLUMN2 (COLUMN2[>=-2147483648:<=49]) (cost: 289.4, est. keys: 144, actual keys: 144, time: 299us)
Example 8: EXPLAIN command output with Indexed SubQuery Execution
This example assumes the HOCKEY schema has been restored. The index added in Example #5 has been dropped.

In this example, we want to select the number of goals per player per year for players on the Boston team that were born after 1990.

The optimizer starts with the execution of the subquery from the PLAYERS table to return only players born after 1990. It then uses that result set to perform an Index scan search of the outer SQL statement table, SCORING, based on the playerid column, which is the first column of the SCORING table’s primary key index.

The Select List shows the columns being retrieved from the SCORING table for these players that are returned by the subquery.

EXPLAIN SELECT playerid, year, goals
FROM scoring
WHERE teamid = 'BOS'
  AND playerid IN (SELECT playerid FROM players WHERE birthyear > 1990);

 Nested Loop Join (cost: 1255445.9, est. rows: 214)
   Record fetch SCORING (cost: 1220617.4, est. rows: 214)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[] YEAR[] STINT[] TEAMID[='BOS'] POSITION[]) (cost: 1188221.1, est. keys: 214)
   Filter (PLAYERS.BIRTHYEAR >= 1991)
     Record fetch PLAYERS (cost: 162.8, est. rows: 1)
       Bitmap filter
         Bitmap scan PLAYERS..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[=SCORING.PLAYERID]) (cost: 9.9, est. keys: 1)
Example 10: EXPLAIN command output with Materialization Strategy for SubQueries
This example assumes the HOCKEY schema has been restored. The index added in Example #5 has been dropped.

The materialization strategy avoids computation of the same subquery multiple times. It is applicable only for deterministic and non-correlated subqueries, which would produce the same result for each row of the outer SQL statement table.

In the following example, we want to select the teamid and total number of goals per team for all teams in the year 2011 that were ranked 1,2, or 3 in the New England division.

Without a materialization strategy, the IN subquery would need to be executed for each row of the SCORING table, of which there are over 45K rows, to find a match on the teams.teamid column, using the scoring.teamid column.

Using a subquery materialization strategy, the execution will compute the subquery once and store the result set in an internal, in-memory table, hashed on the column being used in the predicate, the teams.teamid column. This computation happens when retrieving the first row of the outer table, the scoring table. On retrieving each subsequent row of the scoring table, the materialized result set is searched for a match on teamid. If found, the IN select predicate evaluates to TRUE.

EXPLAIN SELECT teamid, sum(goals) as total_goals
FROM scoring
WHERE year = 2011
  AND teamid IN ( SELECT teamid FROM teams
                  WHERE rank < 4 AND year = 2011 AND divisionid ='NE')
GROUP BY teamid;

 StreamedGrouping keys { SCORING.TEAMID } aggregates { SUM(SCORING.GOALS) } (cost: 1227794.6, est. rows: 136)
     Nested Loop Join (cost: 1227794.6, est. rows: 214)
       Record fetch SCORING (cost: 1220617.4, est. rows: 214)
         Bitmap filter
           Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[] YEAR[=2011] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 1188221.1, est. keys: 214)
       Hash lookup on (SCORING.TEAMID = TEAMID) (cost: 6962.0, est. rows: 1)
         Materialize stream
           Distinct (cost: 6961.0, est. rows: 1)
             Filter (TEAMS.YEAR = 2011)
             Filter (TEAMS.DIVISIONID = 'NE')
             Filter (TEAMS.RANK <= 3)
               Record fetch TEAMS (cost: 6961.0, est. rows: 30)
                 Bitmap filter
                   Bitmap scan TEAMS..PRIMARY_KEY (YEAR[=2011] TEAMID[]) (cost: 240.0, est. keys: 30)

In the previous example, the Bitmap scan operator on the outer table, SCORING applies an optimization called index condition pushdown. The operation scans the whole index, and applies the condition (year = 2011) to the second column of each index key. This allows to filter a large portion of the keys, and reduce the cost of the subsequent Record fetch operation.

How would this EXPLAIN command output differ if an index could be used on this outer table, SCORING.

In the following example, we want to select all of the teams that scored greater than 250 points in the year 2000. The primary key column, teamid, on the outer table, TEAMS, is used to fetch all of the rows for the outer table that return true for the year=2000 predicate. The Hash lookup operator computes the IN select predicate using the materialized in-memory subquery result set, which only needs to be executed for the rows returned by the Index scan of the outer table.

EXPLAIN SELECT year, teamid, rank
FROM teams
WHERE year = 2000
  AND teamid IN ( SELECT teamid FROM scoring
                  WHERE year = 2000
                  GROUP BY teamid
                  HAVING SUM(goals) > 250);

 Nested Loop Join (cost: 1227608.7, est. rows: 30)
   Record fetch TEAMS (cost: 6961.0, est. rows: 30)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap scan TEAMS..PRIMARY_KEY (YEAR[=2000] TEAMID[]) (cost: 240.0, est. keys: 30)
   Hash lookup on (TEAMS.TEAMID = TEAMID) (cost: 1220618.4, est. rows: 1)
     Materialize stream
       Distinct (cost: 1220617.4, est. rows: 136)
         Filter (SUM(SCORING.GOALS) >= 251)
           StreamedGrouping keys { SCORING.TEAMID } aggregates { SUM(SCORING.GOALS) } (cost: 1220617.4, est. rows: 136)
             Sort SCORING.TEAMID ASC
               Record fetch SCORING (cost: 1220617.4, est. rows: 214)
                 Bitmap filter
                   Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[] YEAR[=2000] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 1188221.1, est. keys: 214)
Example 11: EXPLAIN command output with Bitmap Index Access Ordering Property
This example assumes the HOCKEY schema has been restored. The index added in Example #5 has been dropped.

The following example illustrates the ordering property of the bitmap index access method.

Suppose we’d like to find information about all players based on first name. To do this efficiently we create an index on column players.firstname. The optimizer will choose a Bitmap scan operation to quickly scan the index for all matching rows based on the predicate as defined, "FIRSTNAME = 'John'". The rows are returned by the Record fetch operation, sorted in record ID order. The rows are then ordered, based on the ORDER BY clause, by the Sort operator.

create index players_firstname_idx on players(firstname);

explain SELECT playerid, firstname,lastname FROM players WHERE firstname = 'John' ORDER BY playerid;
  Sort PLAYERS.PLAYERID ASC (cost: 43512.5, est. rows: 125)
    Record fetch PLAYERS (cost: 37759.8, est. rows: 125)
      Bitmap filter
        Bitmap scan PLAYERS_FIRSTNAME_IDX (FIRSTNAME[='John']) (cost: 711.3, est. keys: 125)
Example 12: EXPLAIN command output with Streaming Index Access Ordering Property
This example assumes the HOCKEY schema has been restored. The index added in Example #5 has been dropped.

The streaming index fetches rows in index key order. The optimizer can make use of this ordering property to optimize the processing of GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses of the SQL statement. If this index key order of rows, output by the streaming index, matches the order specified by the ORDER BY clause of the SQL statement, then the optimizer will completely optimize out the Sort operator from the execution plan.

As an example, the following query does not specify an ORDER BY clause. Therefore, the optimizer chooses a bitmap index access method for that query and does not sort the query result set output.

SHOW TABLE scoring
    Found table SCORING in schema HOCKEY
            PLAYERID varchar(10)
                Nullable: No
            YEAR integer
                Nullable: No
            STINT integer
                Nullable: No
            TEAMID varchar(3)
                Nullable: No
            POSITION varchar(4)
                Nullable: No
            GAMESPLAYED integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            GOALS integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            ASSISTS integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            PENALTYMINUTES integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM scoring WHERE playerid > 'p';

 Record fetch SCORING (cost: 2502849.1, est. rows: 14122)
   Bitmap filter
     Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[>'p':inf] YEAR[] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 365053.7, est. keys: 14122)

The following example adds an ORDER BY clause to the previous example. This particular ORDER BY clause specifies a column that is included in the index. However, this column is not the first column defined for the index. Therefore, the optimizer cannot take advantage of the index to order the records. For the rows to be output in the order specified by the ORDER BY clause, a Sort operator is included in the execution plan.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM scoring WHERE playerid > 'p' ORDER BY teamid;

 Sort SCORING.TEAMID ASC (cost: 3151785.9, est. rows: 14122)
   Record fetch SCORING (cost: 2502849.1, est. rows: 14122)
     Bitmap filter
       Bitmap scan SCORING..PRIMARY_KEY (PLAYERID[>'p':inf] YEAR[] STINT[] TEAMID[] POSITION[]) (cost: 365053.7, est. keys: 14122)

In the following example, we modify the ORDER BY clause to order the result set using one or more columns defined by the index. This ORDER BY column list has the columns appearing in the same order as defined by the index. In this case, the optimizer can choose a Streaming record fetch access method and can eliminate the Sort operator that was required in the previous example.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM scoring WHERE playerid > 'p' ORDER BY playerid, year;

 Streaming record fetch SCORING (cost: 2502849.1, est. rows: 14122)
Example 13: EXPLAIN command output with Streaming Covering Index Access Ordering Property
This example assumes the HOCKEY schema has been restored. The index added in Example #5 has been dropped.

A streaming covering index scan is similar to a streaming index scan. It will also output the records in the order of the index key, which allows the optimizer to eliminate the Sort operator.

The optimizer will choose this type of index access method if the index contains all columns that are included in the SQL statement column list, where clause, group by, etc. When this is the case, the optimizer can make use of the streaming covering index access method to retrieve the column rows for the result set without accessing the table. This usually results in better performance because the index contains fewer columns compared to the table, and thus less data is fetched.

In this case, as in the previous example, the optimizer can also eliminate the Sort operator. The streaming covering index access method outputs the records in the order of the index key.

In the following example, the optimizer will use the primary key index based on the predicate, as defined by the WHERE clause, to search for all rows where "PLAYERS.PLAYERID > 'f' ". With the SQL SELECT statement column list selecting only those column(s) that are defined by the primary key index, the optimizer chooses this very efficient execution plan. This index access method also optimizes the output record ordering, therefore eliminating the Sort operator for the ORDER BY clause.

SHOW TABLE scoring
    Found table SCORING in schema HOCKEY
            PLAYERID varchar(10)
                Nullable: No
            YEAR integer
                Nullable: No
            STINT integer
                Nullable: No
            TEAMID varchar(3)
                Nullable: No
            POSITION varchar(4)
                Nullable: No
            GAMESPLAYED integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            GOALS integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            ASSISTS integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0
            PENALTYMINUTES integer
                Nullable: No
                Default: 0

EXPLAIN SELECT playerid, year, stint, teamid, position FROM scoring WHERE playerid > 'm' ORDER BY playerid, year;

Project PLAYERID, YEAR, STINT, TEAMID, POSITION    <-- only columns included in the index are returned in the result set
 Streaming covering record fetch SCORING (cost: 541553.7, est. rows: 20949)