The NuoAdmin REST API is used to provision NuoDB databases and managed their configuration. See our documentation for more information.
More information:
Contact Info:
Version: 6.0.2-6
NuoDB License



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Table of Contents



post /1/archives
Add an archive. (addDatabaseArchive)

The domain will generate a new unique ArchiveId as id. If an Archive with the same host, path already exists, then this will cause an error. The system makes no attempts to normalize different pathname strings to a canonical pathname to infer uniqueness. No attempts will be made to check if the directory exits in the file-system of the given host.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives -d '{ "dbName": "db1", "host": "server2", "path": "/path/to/archive"}'
# which returns:
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "server2",
"id": 8,
"path": "/path/to/archive",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/8"

Attempting to create an archive using the same server ID and path as any other archive path (including archive tombstones) results in an error:

"code": 400,
"messages": [
"Unable to provision archive",
"New archive collides with existing archiveId=ArchiveId [0]",
"journalPath collides with archivePath: server2:/path/to/archive"

The dbName must start with an alphabetic character and the rest of the name must use only alphanumeric, underscore ('_'), hypen ('-') and/or dot ('.') characters

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives -d '{ "dbName": "Db_#One", "host": "server2", "path": "/path/to/archive"}'
# which returns:
"code": 400,
"messages": [
"Unable to provision archive",
"Invalid database name=Db_#One. Use only alphanumeric, underscore ('_'), hypen ('-') and/or dot ('.') character"


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddArchiveModel AddArchiveModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "path" : "path",
  "process" : "",
  "observerStorageGroups" : [ "observerStorageGroups", "observerStorageGroups" ],
  "journal" : "journal",
  "snapshotArchivePath" : "snapshotArchivePath",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host",
  "id" : 0,
  "state" : "state",
  "uri" : "",
  "journalPath" : "journalPath"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ArchiveModel

put /1/databases/{dbName}/hosts
Assign the regionId to a server for a database. (addHostAssignment)

Processes started on serverId for this database will use regionId. regionId must exist and be assigned to this database.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1/hosts -d '{ "serverId" : "server0", "regionId" : 4 }'

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddHostAssignmentModel AddHostAssignmentModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

put /1/peers/{id}
Add a new peer to the membership. Signals success if the peer is already a member. (addPeer)
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/server1 -d '{ "address": "host:port", "version" : "0:10000" }'

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddPeerModel AddPeerModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/regions
Add a new region to the domain assigning a new region ID. (addRegion)
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions -d '{ "name" : "south" }'
"id": 7,
"name": "south"
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7"


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddRegionModel AddRegionModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success RegionModel

post /1/archives/addStorageGroup
Add a storage group to an archive. (addStorageGroup)

This causes the storage group to be associated with the archive in the admin layer, and if an SM is running on the archive, for the storage group to be added to the archive via a management request. When a storage group is first added to an archive, it is PENDING for that archive ID until the storage group is added to the archive durably, at which point it becomes ADDED. This takes an optional timeout parameter which specifies how long to wait until the storage group is in ADDED state for the archive.

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "SG1"}'
"archiveStates" : {
"0" : "PENDING"
"sgName" : "SG1",
"dbName" : "db"

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup?timeout=3 -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 1, "sgName": "SG1"}'
"leaderCandidates" : [
"state" : "Available",
"archiveStates" : {
"1" : "ADDED",
"0" : "ADDED"
"dbName" : "db",
"sgName" : "SG1",
"processStates" : {
"3" : "RUNNING",
"0" : "RUNNING"
"sgId" : 10

Negative cases:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "UNPARTITIONED"}'
"code" : 400,
"messages" : [
"Unable add storage group to archive",
"Cannot create a user-defined storage group with reserved name \"UNPARTITIONED\""

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "ALL"}'
"messages" : [
"Unable add storage group to archive",
"Cannot create a user-defined storage group with reserved name \"ALL\""
"code" : 400

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "SG1"}'
"messages" : [
"Unable add storage group to archive",
"Unable to get command response",
"Archive id=ArchiveId [0] not exist"
"code" : 400

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/addStorageGroup?timeout=3 -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "SG1"}' | json_pp
"messages" : [
"Unable add storage group to archive",
"Storage group SG1 not added to ArchiveId [0] after 3 seconds"
"code" : 400


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

StorageGroupAssignmentModel StorageGroupAssignmentModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

timeout (optional)
Query Parameter — default: -1 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "sgName" : "sgName",
  "processStates" : {
    "key" : "processStates"
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "archiveStates" : {
    "key" : "archiveStates"
  "sgId" : 0,
  "leaderCandidates" : [ "leaderCandidates", "leaderCandidates" ],
  "state" : "state"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success StorageGroupModel

post /1/databases/cancelHotCopy
Cancel a running hotcopy request. If timeoutSec is specified, wait for the cancellation to be processed. (cancelHotCopy)
$ curl -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -ks 'http://localhost:48004/api/1/databases/cancelHotCopy?coordinatorStartId=1&hotCopyId=0ba02146-150d-4763-8634-4bf829ace4f3' | python -m json.tool
"status": "running",
"destinationDirectory": "/tmp/backup1/tmp/incremental/data",
"uri": "http://localhost:48004/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=1&hotCopyId=0ba02146-150d-4763-8634-4bf829ace4f3",
"coordinatorStartId": "1",
"hotCopyId": "0ba02146-150d-4763-8634-4bf829ace4f3",
"message": "Stage1: Begin",
"stage": 1,
"beginTimestamp": "2021-11-23 19:49:44"

Query parameters

coordinatorStartId (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
hotCopyId (optional)
Query Parameter — default:
timeoutSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
  "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
  "stage" : 0,
  "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
  "message" : "message",
  "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
  "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
  "uri" : "",
  "status" : "failed"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success HotCopyResponseModel

get /1/databases/{dbName}/capture
Get the current state a database, including any user-specified options. (captureDatabase)
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/capture
"incremental" : false,
"processes" : [
"overrideOptions" : {
"verbose" : "error,warn"
"engineType" : "SM",
"archiveId" : 1,
"host" : "nuoadmin1",
"dbName" : "db"
"overrideOptions" : {
"verbose" : "error,warn"
"engineType" : "SM",
"host" : "nuoadmin0",
"archiveId" : 0,
"dbName" : "db"
"host" : "nuoadmin1",
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {
"verbose" : "error,warn"
"engineType" : "TE"
"host" : "nuoadmin2",
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {
"verbose" : "error,warn"
"engineType" : "TE"

A database cannot be captured if it is non-existent or in a non-RUNNING state:

curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db2/capture
"code" : 400,
"messages" : [
"Unable to capture database",
"Database db2 does not exist"

curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/capture
"code" : 400,
"messages" : [
"Unable to capture database",
"Cannot capture a database in non-RUNNING state: dbName=db, state=NOT_RUNNING"

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

checkState (optional)
Query Parameter — default: true

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "processes" : [ {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  }, {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  } ],
  "incremental" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success StartPlanModel

get /1/diagnostics/captureDomainState
Capture a snapshot of the current domain state. (captureDomainState)

The response is a JSON representation of a newly-snapshotted Raft log, and can be converted into an actual raftlog file using java -jar "$NUODB_HOME/jar/nuoadmin.jar" --restore-from <capture file>.

curl -k -E /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem http://localhost:8888/api/1/diagnostics/captureDomainState
"lastIncludedIndex": 21,
"lastIncludedTerm": 0,


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



default response

put /1/databases/{dbName}
Create a database (createDatabase)

The name of the requested database is reflected in the Rest resource name. A database requires at least one ArchiveId to provisioned as well as databaseDbaUser and databaseDbaPassword. The defaultRegionId, hostAssignments, defaultOptions maps are all optional. The teHosts list specifies the server IDs that TEs should be started on and is optional. The smHosts map associates archive IDs with server IDs. For each archive ID in the map, the associated server ID is the one that will host the process started on that archive. If there is no server ID associated with an archive ID, then the server ID will be injected by cycling through the server IDs in the current membership.


curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1 -d '{
"defaultRegionId" : 2,
"hostAssignments": { "server0": 2,"server1": 2,"server2": 3 },
"defaultOptions": { "mem": "1000000" },
"databaseDbaUser": "dba", "databaseDbaPassword": "dba",
"teHosts": ["server0"]

"processes" : {
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "s1",
"engineType": "SM",
"archiveId": 23,
"overrideOptions" : {}
}, {
"archiveId": null,
"dbName": "db1",
"engineType": "TE",
"host": "server0",
"overrideOptions": {}
"incremental": false

The requested database name must start with an alphabetic character and the rest of the name must use only alphanumeric, underscore ('_'), hypen ('-') and/or dot ('.') characters

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/0DB -d '{
"defaultRegionId" : 2,
"hostAssignments": { "server0": 2,"server1": 2,"server2": 3 },
"defaultOptions": { "mem" : "1000000" },
"databaseDbaUser": "dba", "databaseDbaPassword": "dba", "teHosts": ["server0"]

# which returns:
"code": 400,
"messages": [
"Unable to create database",
"Invalid database name=0DB. Use only alphanumeric, underscore ('_'), hypen ('-') and/or dot ('.') characters"

The requested database name is also case insensitive and must match the database name assigned to the archive(s).

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/DB1 -d '{
"defaultRegionId" : 2,
"hostAssignments": { "server0": 2,"server1": 2,"server2": 3 },
"defaultOptions": { "mem" : "1000000" },
"databaseDbaUser": "dba", "databaseDbaPassword": "dba", "teHosts": ["server0"]

# which returns:
"code": 400,
"messages": [
"Unable to create database",
"Database name=db1 already exists"

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

CreateDatabaseModel CreateDatabaseModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

mayExist (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "processes" : [ {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  }, {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  } ],
  "incremental" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success StartPlanModel

put /1/policies/roles/{roleName}
Create a role, which can be assigned to users. (createRole)

Roles can define sub-roles, from which they acquire privileges assuming that they exist (any sub-roles that do not exist have no effect), and specifications of requests that users belonging to that role can invoke.


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles/accessor" -d '{
"name": "accessor",
"authorizedRequests": [{
"method": "GET",
"url": "*"
$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles/unrestricted" -d '{
"name": "unrestricted",
"authorizedRequests": [{
"method": "*",
"url": "*"
$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles/domainRoot" -d '{
"name": "domainRoot",
"subRoles": ["dbAdmin", "dbBackup", "domainAdmin"]

Path parameters

roleName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AdminRole AdminRole (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

put /1/policies/users/{userName}
Create a new user. (createUser)

Creating a user with basic authentication:

curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users/pwUser" -d '{
"name": "pwUser",
"roles": ["accessor"],
"password": "thePassword"

$ curl -k --user pwUser:thePassword "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users"
"offset" : 0,
"hasNext" : false,
"data" : [
"roles" : [
"name" : "pwUser"
"limit" : 20

Creating a user with certificate authentication. In the example below, nuocmd is used to generate a self-signed certificate with CN=certUser (must be the user name) and add the certificate to truststore for the domain, and the certificate is then specified as part of the create-user API request.

$ nuocmd create keypair --keystore certUser.p12 --store-password changeIt --dname CN=certUser
$ nuocmd show certificate --keystore certUser.p12 --store-password changeIt > certUser.pem
$ nuocmd show certificate --keystore certUser.p12 --store-password changeIt --cert-only > certUser.cert
$ nuocmd add trusted-certificate --alias users.certUser --cert certUser.cert --timeout 10
$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users/certUser" -d '{
"name": "certUser",
"roles": ["accessor"],
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

$ curl -k --cert certUser.pem "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users"
"limit" : 20,
"data" : [
"name" : "certUser",
"roles" : [
"name" : "pwUser",
"roles" : [
"hasNext" : false,
"offset" : 0

Path parameters

userName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AdminUserModel AdminUserModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/kvstore/{key}/{expectedValue}
Delete a key value mapping conditionally. (deleteKeyValue)

If the key is still mapped and mapped to the provided value, the mapping is removed. Otherwise an error is returned.

An example attempting to delete the key value mapping somekey->somevalue

curl -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/kvstore/somekey/somevalue

Path parameters

key (required)
Path Parameter — default: null
expectedValue (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "success" : true,
  "value" : "value",
  "uri" : "",
  "key" : "key"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success KVResultModel

delete /1/databases/loadBalancerPolicy/{policyName}
Unregister a load-balancer policy. (deleteLoadBalancerPolicy)
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerPolicy/type_filter

Path parameters

policyName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/policies/roles/{roleName}
Delete a role. (deleteRole)


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -X DELETE "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles/unrestricted"

Path parameters

roleName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/databases/{dbName}/storageGroups/{name}
Delete a storage group from the specified database. (deleteStorageGroup)

This should be done after the storage group has been removed from all running SMs and only done if the storage group is gone permanently and not coming back online.

curl -X DELETE -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1/storageGroups/sg1

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null
name (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/policies/users/{userName}
Delete a user. (deleteUser)


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -X DELETE "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users/pwUser"

Path parameters

userName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/diagnostics/logs
Get the contents of the $NUODB_LOGDIR for this admin process. (getAdminLogs)
This uses chunked transfer-encoding to support streaming downloads.

Query parameters

includeThreadDump (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false
includeCoreFiles (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false
prefix (optional)
Query Parameter — default:
modifiedAfterEpochSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int64
ignore (optional)
Query Parameter — default:
excludeSensitiveFiles (optional)
Query Parameter — default: true

Return type


Example data



This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminServerConfigModel

get /1/diagnostics/config
Gets the NuoAdmin service configuration (local) (getAgentConfig)
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/diagnostics/config
"initialMembership": {
"server1": {
"transport": "host1:48005",
"version": "0:10000"
"server2": {
"transport": "host2:48005",
"version": "0:10000"
"server3": {
"transport": "host3:48005",
"version": "0:10000"
"loadBalancers": {
"com.nuodb.loadbalancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer": {
"name": "roundRobin"
"otherServices": [
"properties": {
"ThisServerId": "server0",
"adminPort": "48005",
"agentBindAddress": "",
"agentPort": "48004",
"binDir": "/opt/nuodb/bin",
"varDir": "/var/opt/nuodb"
"statsPlugins": {
"": [
"com.nuodb.nagent.stats.DropWizardMetricsStatsListener": [
"enableHistograms": "true",
"enableJMX": "true",
"enableTimers": "true"

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "initialMembership" : {
    "key" : {
      "key" : "initialMembership"
  "otherServices" : [ "otherServices", "otherServices" ],
  "loadBalancers" : {
    "key" : {
      "key" : "loadBalancers"
  "statsPlugins" : {
    "key" : [ {
      "key" : "statsPlugins"
    }, {
      "key" : "statsPlugins"
    } ]
  "properties" : {
    "key" : "properties"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminServerConfigModel

get /1/archives/{id}
Get an archives by its id (getArchive)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/0
"id": 0,
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "server0",
"path": "/var/archives/a1",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/0"

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64

Query parameters

removed (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "path" : "path",
  "process" : "",
  "observerStorageGroups" : [ "observerStorageGroups", "observerStorageGroups" ],
  "journal" : "journal",
  "snapshotArchivePath" : "snapshotArchivePath",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host",
  "id" : 0,
  "state" : "state",
  "uri" : "",
  "journalPath" : "journalPath"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ArchiveModel

get /1/archives
Get all archives in the domain (getArchives)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives?removed=false&orderBy=id&filterBy=dbName&dbName=db1
"hasNext": false,
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"data": [
"id": 0,
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "server0",
"path": "/var/archives/a1",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/0"

Query parameters

removed (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "path" : "path",
  "process" : "",
  "observerStorageGroups" : [ "observerStorageGroups", "observerStorageGroups" ],
  "journal" : "journal",
  "snapshotArchivePath" : "snapshotArchivePath",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host",
  "id" : 0,
  "state" : "state",
  "uri" : "",
  "journalPath" : "journalPath"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/processes/availableOptions
Get available engine options and their types. (getAvailableOptions)

SIMPLE means that the option can be specified as part of a start-process request or as a database option. PROCESS_ONLY means that the option can only be specified as part of a start-process request. DATABASE_ONLY means that the option can only be specified as a database option; examples include --ping-timeout and --commit. RESTRICTED means it cannot be specified by the user.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/availableOptions
"options" : {
"--archive-clone-sync" : "SIMPLE",
"--disable-stats-collection" : "SIMPLE",
"--journal-target-age" : "SIMPLE",

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "options" : {
    "key" : "options"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AvailableEngineOptionsModel

get /1/kvstore/{key}
Gets the value mapped to by key key (getByKey)
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/kvstore/someKey

Path parameters

key (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "success" : true,
  "value" : "value",
  "uri" : "",
  "key" : "key"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success KVResultModel

get /1/databases/{dbName}
Get the database state for a database. (getDatabaseInfo)
curl http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db
"archives": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives?filterBy=dbName&orderBy=id&dbName=db",
"capture": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/capture",
"databaseOptions": {
"mem": "1g"
"defaultRegionId": 1,
"exitedProcesses": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?filterBy=database&orderBy=startId&database=db",
"hostAssignments": {
"server0": 1,
"server1": 2
"storageGroups": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/storageGroups",
"incarnation": 2,
"incarnations": {
"1": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?filterBy=database&filterBy=databaseIncarnation&orderBy=process.startId&database=db1&databaseIncarnation=1",
"2": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?filterBy=database&filterBy=databaseIncarnation&orderBy=process.startId&database=db1&databaseIncarnation=2"
"name": "db",
"processes": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=dbName&orderBy=startId&dbName=db",
"regions": {
"north": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=dbName&filterBy=regionName&orderBy=startId&dbName=db&regionName=north",
"south": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=dbName&filterBy=regionName&orderBy=startId&dbName=db&regionName=south"
"servers": {
"server0": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=host&filterBy=regionName&orderBy=startId&host=server0&regionName=north",
"server1": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=host&filterBy=regionName&orderBy=startId&host=server1&regionName=south"
"state": "STARTED"

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

maskPassword (optional)
Query Parameter — default: true

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "exitedProcesses" : "",
  "defaultRegionId" : 0,
  "databaseOptions" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "processes" : "",
  "archives" : "",
  "regions" : {
    "key" : ""
  "hostAssignments" : {
    "key" : 6
  "capture" : "",
  "servers" : {
    "key" : ""
  "storageGroups" : "",
  "name" : "name",
  "incarnations" : {
    "key" : ""
  "incarnation" : {
    "major" : 6,
    "minor" : 1
  "state" : "REQUESTED",
  "dbPassword" : "dbPassword"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success DatabaseModel

get /1/databases/{dbName}/versions
Get database version information. (getDatabaseVersions)

The response contains current database version, versions available for the user to upgrade to and domain processes versions represented by its startId. All domain processes that have nodeId are grouped by release version. For those processes that doesn't have nodeId yet, the release version is UNKNOWN.

Response with no available versions to upgrade as all node binaries should be upgraded first:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/test/versions
"allVersions": {
"4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6": {
"release": "4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5",
"versionId": 1310720
"4.2-4eb5eeed50": {
"release": "4.2-4eb5eeed50",
"version": "4.2",
"versionId": 1507328
"dbName": "test",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5",
"effectiveVersion": "1310720",
"maxVersion": "1310720",
"processVersions": {
"4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6": [
"4.2-4eb5eeed50": [

Response with engines having the same major version:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/test/versions
"allVersions": {
"4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6": {
"release": "4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5|4.0.6",
"versionId": "1310720"
"4.0.6-1-659edf6f9b": {
"release": "4.0.6-1-659edf6f9b",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5|4.0.6",
"versionId": "1310720"
"dbName": "test",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5|4.0.6",
"effectiveVersion": "1310720",
"maxVersion": "1310720",
"processVersions": {
"4.0.5-4-c8e809a9d6": [
"4.0.6-1-659edf6f9b": [

Response with available versions to upgrade to once all database processes are started with the new release:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/test/versions
"allVersions": {
"4.2.master-7780-4eb5eeed50": {
"release": "4.2-4eb5eeed50",
"version": "4.2",
"versionId": "1507328"
"availableVersions": [
"versionId": "1507328",
"name": "4.2"
"versionId": "1441792",
"name": "4.1.1"
"versionId": "1376256",
"name": "4.1"
"dbName": "test",
"effectiveVersion": "1310720",
"version": "4.0|4.0.1|4.0.2|4.0.3|4.0.4|4.0.5|4.0.6",
"maxVersion": "1507328",
"processVersions": {
"4.2-4eb5eeed50": [

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "allVersions" : {
    "key" : {
      "versionId" : "versionId",
      "release" : "release",
      "version" : "version"
  "maxVersion" : "maxVersion",
  "effectiveVersion" : "effectiveVersion",
  "version" : "version",
  "processVersions" : {
    "key" : [ "processVersions", "processVersions" ]
  "availableVersions" : [ {
    "versionId" : "versionId",
    "name" : "name"
  }, {
    "versionId" : "versionId",
    "name" : "name"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/databases
List all databases. Use the "uri" to get get all database properties (getDatabases)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases?filterBy=state&state=STARTED"

==> response

"hasNext": false,
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"data": [
"incarnation": 1,
"name": "db1",
"state": "STARTED",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1",

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: name
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "incarnation" : {
    "major" : 6,
    "minor" : 1
  "state" : "REQUESTED",
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/databases/{dbName}/hotCopyStatus
Get the statuses of all hot-copies that have been invoked on the SMs in the database. (getDbHotCopyStatus)
$ curl -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -ks https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopyStatus | python -m json.tool
"errors": {},
"hotCopyStatuses": {
"0": [
"beginTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:24:26",
"coordinatorStartId": "0",
"destinationDirectory": "/tmp/backup0/tmp/incremental/data",
"endTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:24:27",
"hotCopyId": "300e8351-47b5-4c1a-b092-0d25554386bc",
"message": "Hot copy successfully completed",
"stage": 3,
"status": "completed",
"uri": "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=300e8351-47b5-4c1a-b092-0d25554386bc"
"beginTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:24:07",
"coordinatorStartId": "0",
"destinationDirectory": "/tmp/backup0/tmp/full/data",
"endTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:24:07",
"hotCopyId": "019f2793-4485-4d07-a5f5-e0c71901b98e",
"message": "Hot copy successfully completed",
"stage": 3,
"status": "completed",
"uri": "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=019f2793-4485-4d07-a5f5-e0c71901b98e"
"1": [
"beginTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:25:35",
"coordinatorStartId": "1",
"destinationDirectory": "/tmp/backup1/tmp/incremental/data",
"endTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:25:35",
"hotCopyId": "efe90df0-b8e8-48ff-9fda-37fd1e92cc86",
"message": "Hot copy successfully completed",
"stage": 3,
"status": "completed",
"uri": "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=1&hotCopyId=efe90df0-b8e8-48ff-9fda-37fd1e92cc86"
"beginTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:25:28",
"coordinatorStartId": "1",
"destinationDirectory": "/tmp/backup1/tmp/full/data",
"endTimestamp": "2021-11-17 13:25:28",
"hotCopyId": "dd8b109d-b808-4914-996f-61942875126d",
"message": "Hot copy successfully completed",
"stage": 3,
"status": "completed",
"uri": "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=1&hotCopyId=dd8b109d-b808-4914-996f-61942875126d"

If any SMs are unreachable, the cause of the error that prevented the local admin from obtaining its hot-copy statuses is reported in the "errors" field.

$ curl -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -ks https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopyStatus | python -m json.tool
"errors": {
"1": "Timed out while awaiting engine response: Waited 10000 milliseconds (plus 3 milliseconds, 190881 nanoseconds delay) for[status=PENDING]"
"hotCopyStatuses": {
"0": [

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

timeoutSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10 format: int64
minSecondsRunning (optional)
Query Parameter — default: -1 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "hotCopyStatuses" : {
    "key" : [ {
      "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
      "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
      "stage" : 0,
      "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
      "message" : "message",
      "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
      "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
      "uri" : "",
      "status" : "failed"
    }, {
      "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
      "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
      "stage" : 0,
      "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
      "message" : "message",
      "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
      "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
      "uri" : "",
      "status" : "failed"
    } ]
  "errors" : {
    "key" : "errors"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success HotCopyDatabaseStatusModel

get /1/processes/exited
Gets the exited processes. (getExitedProcesses)

A process may or may not have a reason indicator failure to start up, but database, engineType should be filled in even on failure given the initial [#requestProcess(UriInfo, StartPlanProcessModel)] start request. A process that was shutdown cleanly will have "reason": "Gracefully shutdown engine".

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited
"data" : [
"archiveId" : 0,
"database" : "db1",
"engineType" : "SM",
"incarnation" : 1,
"process" : {
"archiveDir" : "/path/to/archive",
"archiveId" : 0,
"dbName" : "db0",
"durableState" : "STARTED",
"host" : "server0",
"options" : {
"agent-port" : "60010",
"archive" : "/path/to/archive",
"archive-id" : "0",
"commit" : "safe",
"database" : "db0",
"engine-type" : "SM",
"geo-region" : "0",
"initialize" : "true",
"region-name" : "Default",
"regionId" : 0,
"regionName" : "Default",
"startId" : "0",
"type" : "SM"
"reason" : "/path/to/archive: Unable to create archive directory: No such file or directory"
"hasNext" : false,
"limit" : 20,
"offset" : 0

Filter can access a nested field, but not the "options" (which is a map), and multiple filters can be used. Examples:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?filterBy=database&database=db1
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/exited?filterBy=database&filterBy=incarnation&database=db1&incarnation=1

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
filterQuery (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "reason" : "reason",
  "process" : {
    "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "regionName" : "regionName",
    "pid" : 6,
    "type" : "TE",
    "archiveId" : 1,
    "isExternalStartup" : true,
    "hostname" : "hostname",
    "journalDir" : "journalDir",
    "host" : "host",
    "options" : {
      "options" : {
        "key" : "options"
    "state" : "ACTIVE",
    "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
    "address" : "address",
    "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
    "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
    "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
    "version" : "version",
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
    "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
    "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
    "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
    "port" : 0,
    "regionId" : 5,
    "startId" : "startId",
    "nodeId" : 5
  "database" : "database",
  "databaseIncarnation" : {
    "major" : 6,
    "minor" : 1
  "hasDisconnected" : true,
  "engineType" : "engineType",
  "exitCode" : 0


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/databases/hotCopyStatus
Poll the status of a previously issued hot-copy request. (getHotCopyStatus)

When hot-copy is first issued, the response contains "coordinatorStartId", which is the start ID of the SM that is coordinating the multi-SM hot-copy, and "hotCopyId", which specifies the hot-copy request. It is an error to use a different coordinator than the one returned in the hot-copy response, but the admin layer has no way to detect this, so the results are undefined. If "timeoutSec" is specified and non-zero, this request waits that amount of time for the hot-copy request to achieve "completed" status, otherwise, the status is returned immediately.

curl "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388"

"message" : "Hot copy successfully completed",
"endTimestamp" : "2017-12-09 20:04:46",
"destinationDirectory" : "/root/backup",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388",
"coordinatorStartId" : "0",
"hotCopyId" : "bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388",
"status" : "completed",
"beginTimestamp" : "2017-12-09 20:04:45",
"stage" : 3

Negative case: hot-copy status with non-existent coordinator:

curl "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=123&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388"

"messages" : [
"Failure while checking hot-copy status",
"No process with startId=123"
"code" : 400

Query parameters

coordinatorStartId (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
hotCopyId (optional)
Query Parameter — default:
timeoutSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
  "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
  "stage" : 0,
  "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
  "message" : "message",
  "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
  "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
  "uri" : "",
  "status" : "failed"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success HotCopyResponseModel

get /1/kvstore
Get all keys in the kvstore. (getKeyValues)

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/diagnostics/kube
Get the NuoDB specific Kubernetes configuration as JSON. (getKube)
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/diagnostics/kube

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "deployments" : {
    "key" : {
      "metadata" : {
        "generation" : 6,
        "finalizers" : [ "finalizers", "finalizers" ],
        "resourceVersion" : "resourceVersion",
        "annotations" : {
          "key" : "annotations"
        "generateName" : "generateName",
        "deletionTimestamp" : "deletionTimestamp",
        "labels" : {
          "key" : "labels"
        "ownerReferences" : [ {
          "uid" : "uid",
          "controller" : true,
          "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
          "kind" : "kind",
          "name" : "name",
          "blockOwnerDeletion" : true
        }, {
          "uid" : "uid",
          "controller" : true,
          "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
          "kind" : "kind",
          "name" : "name",
          "blockOwnerDeletion" : true
        } ],
        "selfLink" : "selfLink",
        "deletionGracePeriodSeconds" : 0,
        "uid" : "uid",
        "managedFields" : [ {
          "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
          "fieldsV1" : "{}",
          "manager" : "manager",
          "subresource" : "subresource",
          "time" : "time",
          "operation" : "operation",
          "fieldsType" : "fieldsType"
        }, {
          "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
          "fieldsV1" : "{}",
          "manager" : "manager",
          "subresource" : "subresource",
          "time" : "time",
          "operation" : "operation",
          "fieldsType" : "fieldsType"
        } ],
        "clusterName" : "clusterName",
        "creationTimestamp" : "creationTimestamp",
        "name" : "name",
        "namespace" : "namespace"
      "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
      "kind" : "kind",
      "spec" : {
        "template" : {
          "metadata" : {
            "generation" : 6,
            "finalizers" : [ "finalizers", "finalizers" ],
            "resourceVersion" : "resourceVersion",
            "annotations" : {
              "key" : "annotations"
            "generateName" : "generateName",
            "deletionTimestamp" : "deletionTimestamp",
            "labels" : {
              "key" : "labels"
            "ownerReferences" : [ {
              "uid" : "uid",
              "controller" : true,
              "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
              "kind" : "kind",
              "name" : "name",
              "blockOwnerDeletion" : true
            }, {
              "uid" : "uid",
              "controller" : true,
              "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
              "kind" : "kind",
              "name" : "name",
              "blockOwnerDeletion" : true
            } ],
            "selfLink" : "selfLink",
            "deletionGracePeriodSeconds" : 0,
            "uid" : "uid",
            "managedFields" : [ {
              "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
              "fieldsV1" : "{}",
              "manager" : "manager",
              "subresource" : "subresource",
              "time" : "time",
              "operation" : "operation",
              "fieldsType" : "fieldsType"
            }, {
              "apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
              "fieldsV1" : "{}",
              "manager" : "manager",
              "subresource" : "subresource",
              "time" : "time",
              "operation" : "operation",
              "fieldsType" : "fieldsType"
            } ],
            "clusterName" : "clusterName",
            "creationTimestamp" : "creationTimestamp",
            "name" : "name",
            "namespace" : "namespace"
          "spec" : {
            "dnsPolicy" : "dnsPolicy",
            "nodeName" : "nodeName",
            "terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 3,
            "dnsConfig" : {
              "searches" : [ "searches", "searches" ],
              "nameservers" : [ "nameservers", "nameservers" ],
              "options" : [ {
                "name" : "name",
                "value" : "value"
              }, {
                "name" : "name",
                "value" : "value"
              } ]
            "hostNetwork" : true,
            "readinessGates" : [ {
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              "lifecycle" : {
                "postStart" : {
                  "tcpSocket" : {
                    "port" : {
                      "IntVal" : 3,
                      "Kind" : 2,
                      "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                    "host" : "host"
                  "exec" : {
                    "command" : [ "command", "command" ]
                  "httpGet" : {
                    "path" : "path",
                    "scheme" : "scheme",
                    "port" : {
                      "IntVal" : 3,
                      "Kind" : 2,
                      "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                    "host" : "host",
                    "httpHeaders" : [ {
                      "name" : "name",
                      "value" : "value"
                    }, {
                      "name" : "name",
                      "value" : "value"
                    } ]
                "preStop" : {
                  "tcpSocket" : {
                    "port" : {
                      "IntVal" : 3,
                      "Kind" : 2,
                      "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                    "host" : "host"
                  "exec" : {
                    "command" : [ "command", "command" ]
                  "httpGet" : {
                    "path" : "path",
                    "scheme" : "scheme",
                    "port" : {
                      "IntVal" : 3,
                      "Kind" : 2,
                      "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                    "host" : "host",
                    "httpHeaders" : [ {
                      "name" : "name",
                      "value" : "value"
                    }, {
                      "name" : "name",
                      "value" : "value"
                    } ]
              "name" : "name",
              "tty" : true,
              "readinessProbe" : {
                "terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 6,
                "failureThreshold" : 4,
                "periodSeconds" : 1,
                "tcpSocket" : {
                  "port" : {
                    "IntVal" : 3,
                    "Kind" : 2,
                    "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                  "host" : "host"
                "timeoutSeconds" : 7,
                "successThreshold" : 1,
                "initialDelaySeconds" : 1,
                "exec" : {
                  "command" : [ "command", "command" ]
                "grpc" : {
                  "port" : 7,
                  "service" : "service"
                "httpGet" : {
                  "path" : "path",
                  "scheme" : "scheme",
                  "port" : {
                    "IntVal" : 3,
                    "Kind" : 2,
                    "StrVal" : "StrVal"
                  "host" : "host",
                  "httpHeaders" : [ {
                    "name" : "name",
                    "value" : "value"
                  }, {
                    "name" : "name",
                    "value" : "value"
                  } ]
              "stdinOnce" : true,
              "envFrom" : [ {
                "configMapRef" : {
                  "name" : "name",
                  "optional" : true
                "prefix" : "prefix",
                "secretRef" : {
                  "name" : "name",
                  "optional" : true
              }, {
                "configMapRef" : {
                  "name" : "name",
                  "optional" : true
                "prefix" : "prefix",
                "secretRef" : {
                  "name" : "name",
                  "optional" : true
              } ]
            } ],
            "affinity" : {
              "nodeAffinity" : {
                "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : {
                  "nodeSelectorTerms" : [ {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchFields" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ]
                  }, {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchFields" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ]
                  } ]
                "preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : [ {
                  "preference" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchFields" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ]
                  "weight" : 7
                }, {
                  "preference" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchFields" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ]
                  "weight" : 7
                } ]
              "podAffinity" : {
                "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : [ {
                  "labelSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "namespaceSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                  "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                }, {
                  "labelSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "namespaceSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                  "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                } ],
                "preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : [ {
                  "podAffinityTerm" : {
                    "labelSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "namespaceSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                    "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                  "weight" : 9
                }, {
                  "podAffinityTerm" : {
                    "labelSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "namespaceSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                    "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                  "weight" : 9
                } ]
              "podAntiAffinity" : {
                "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : [ {
                  "labelSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "namespaceSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                  "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                }, {
                  "labelSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "namespaceSelector" : {
                    "matchExpressions" : [ {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    }, {
                      "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                      "key" : "key",
                      "operator" : "operator"
                    } ],
                    "matchLabels" : {
                      "key" : "matchLabels"
                  "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                  "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                } ],
                "preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" : [ {
                  "podAffinityTerm" : {
                    "labelSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "namespaceSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                    "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                  "weight" : 9
                }, {
                  "podAffinityTerm" : {
                    "labelSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "namespaceSelector" : {
                      "matchExpressions" : [ {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      }, {
                        "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
                        "key" : "key",
                        "operator" : "operator"
                      } ],
                      "matchLabels" : {
                        "key" : "matchLabels"
                    "topologyKey" : "topologyKey",
                    "namespaces" : [ "namespaces", "namespaces" ]
                  "weight" : 9
                } ]
            "hostPID" : true
        "updateStrategy" : {
          "type" : "type",
          "rollingUpdate" : {
            "maxSurge" : {
              "IntVal" : 3,
              "Kind" : 2,
              "StrVal" : "StrVal"
            "maxUnavailable" : {
              "IntVal" : 3,
              "Kind" : 2,
              "StrVal" : "StrVal"
        "revisionHistoryLimit" : 6,
        "selector" : {
          "matchExpressions" : [ {
            "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
            "key" : "key",
            "operator" : "operator"
          }, {
            "values" : [ "values", "values" ],
            "key" : "key",
            "operator" : "operator"
          } ],
          "matchLabels" : {
            "key" : "matchLabels"
        "minReadySeconds" : 4
      "status" : {
        "numberUnavailable" : 8,
        "updatedNumberScheduled" : 4,
        "numberAvailable" : 0,
        "numberMisscheduled" : 2,
        "numberReady" : 1,
        "currentNumberScheduled" : 4,
        "collisionCount" : 8,
        "desiredNumberScheduled" : 3,
        "conditions" : [ {
          "reason" : "reason",
          "lastTransitionTime" : "lastTransitionTime",
          "message" : "message",
          "type" : "type",
          "status" : "status"
        }, {
          "reason" : "reason",
          "lastTransitionTime" : "lastTransitionTime",
          "message" : "message",
          "type" : "type",
          "status" : "status"
        } ],
        "observedGeneration" : 6


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success KubernetesConfigModel

get /1/policies/license
Get the current effective license. (getLicense)


curl -k -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/license

"decodedLicense" : {
"type" : "ENTERPRISE",
"holder" : "Test Customer",
"expires" : "2029-09-07T02:00:35.393850"
"effectiveForDomain" : true,
"encodedLicense" : "-----BEGIN LICENSE----- ... -----END LICENSE-----\n"

The decodedLicense field contains the actual license information. The effectiveForDomain field indicates whether the license is effective for all servers in the domain, or only the server responding to the REST API request. The former is the case if the license is stored in Raft using the POST /policies/license API. The licenseFile field contains the path to the license file on the admin server's local filesystem, if the license is derived from the filesystem ({@code $NUODB_CFGDIR/nuodb.lic) rather than Raft. If licenseFile is present then effectiveForDomain must be false, and if {@code effectiveForDomain} is true then licenseFile must be absent. The encodedLicense is the encoded license data, which is absent if the effective license is the default license for the product.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "decodedLicense" : {
    "expires" : "expires",
    "holder" : "holder",
    "type" : "ENTERPRISE"
  "encodedLicense" : "encodedLicense",
  "effectiveForDomain" : true,
  "licenseFile" : "licenseFile"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success EffectiveLicense

get /1/databases/loadBalancerConfigs
Get global and database load-balancer configurations. (getLoadBalancerConfigs)
$ curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerConfigs?orderBy=dbName&limit=20&offset=0"
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"hasNext": false,
"data": [
"prefilter": "not(label(type tiebreaker))",
"dbName": "db",
"defaultLbQuery": "round_robin(any)",
"isGlobal": false
"prefilter": "any",
"isGlobal": true,
"defaultLbQuery": "random(any)"

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: dbName
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "isGlobal" : true,
  "defaultLbQuery" : "defaultLbQuery",
  "prefilter" : "prefilter"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success LoadBalancerConfigModel

get /1/databases/loadBalancerPolicies
Get a registered load-balancer policy. (getLoadBalancerPolicies)
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerPolicies?orderBy=policyName"

"offset" : 0,
"data" : [
{"policyName" : "closest", "lbQuery" : "round_robin(first(colocated label(pod ${POD:x})))"},
{"policyName" : "default", "lbQuery" : "round_robin(any)"}
"hasNext" : false,
"limit" : 20

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: policyName
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "policyName" : "policyName",
  "lbQuery" : "lbQuery"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/peers/{id}
Gets the peer by its id Examples: Get a peer with id=server0: (getPeer)
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/server0

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "connectedState" : {
    "latency" : 2,
    "lastAckDeltaMillis" : 5,
    "state" : "Unknown"
  "fullVersion" : "fullVersion",
  "address" : "address",
  "peerState" : "UNKNOWN",
  "isEvicted" : true,
  "id" : "id",
  "uri" : "",
  "localRoleInfo" : {
    "role" : "FOLLOWER",
    "localPeerTermIndexInfo" : {
      "valid" : true,
      "currentTerm" : 0,
      "logLastIndex" : 5,
      "commitIndex" : 1,
      "logLastTerm" : 6
    "lifeCycle" : "INITIALIZING",
    "leaderServerId" : "leaderServerId"
  "version" : "version",
  "peerMemberState" : "UNKNOWN",
  "isLocal" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success PeerModel

get /1/peers/certificates
Gathers and returns certificate data for all active, reachable admin servers in the domain. (getPeerCertificates)

The "trustedCertificates" field of the response is a map of certificate alias to certificate data for all certificate aliases encountered. The "serverTrusted" field is a map of server ID to the list of certificate aliases trusted by that server (which appear in "trustedCertificates"). The "serverCertificates" field is a map of server ID to server certificate.

Similarly, the "processTrusted" field is a map of process start ID to list of certificate aliases trusted by that process, and the "processCertificates" field is a map of process start ID to process certificate.

$ curl --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem -k https://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/certificates
"trustedCertificates": {
"ca": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 4709718142000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US"
"nuocmd": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 4709718144000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US"
"serverCertificates": {
"nuoadmin0": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 4709718145000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US"
"nuoadmin1": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 4709718145000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US"
"nuoadmin2": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 4709718145000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US"
"serverTrusted": {
"nuoadmin0": [
"nuoadmin1": [
"nuoadmin2": [
"processCertificates": {
"0": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 1587659214000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": "CN=db-te-0"
"1": {
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"expires": 1587659214000,
"issuerName": ", OU=Eng, O=NuoDB, L=Boston, ST=MA, C=US",
"subjectName": "CN=db-sm-0"
"processTrusted": {
"0": [
"1": [

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "trustedCertificates" : {
    "key" : {
      "expires" : 0,
      "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
      "issuerName" : "issuerName",
      "caPathLength" : 6,
      "expiresTimestamp" : "expiresTimestamp",
      "subjectAltNames" : [ "subjectAltNames", "subjectAltNames" ],
      "subjectName" : "subjectName"
  "serverTrusted" : {
    "key" : [ "serverTrusted", "serverTrusted" ]
  "processTrusted" : {
    "key" : [ "processTrusted", "processTrusted" ]
  "serverCertificates" : {
    "key" : {
      "expires" : 0,
      "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
      "issuerName" : "issuerName",
      "caPathLength" : 6,
      "expiresTimestamp" : "expiresTimestamp",
      "subjectAltNames" : [ "subjectAltNames", "subjectAltNames" ],
      "subjectName" : "subjectName"
  "processCertificates" : {
    "key" : {
      "expires" : 0,
      "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
      "issuerName" : "issuerName",
      "caPathLength" : 6,
      "expiresTimestamp" : "expiresTimestamp",
      "subjectAltNames" : [ "subjectAltNames", "subjectAltNames" ],
      "subjectName" : "subjectName"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success DomainCertificateModel

get /1/peers
Get all peers in the domain (getPeers)


The "lastAckDeltaMillis" field shows how long ago the last ping request was processed by the peer. In milliseconds.

The "latency" field shows how long it took to process the ping request from the time the request was issued until the time the ping request was processed. In nanoseconds.

The "peerState" field indicates if the peer was added to the durable membership, or was removed. The field "peerMemberState" indicates if the peer in the membership is PENDING while starting up the very first time, or ACTIVE once it becomes a voting member. For example, if multiple peers are added using [#addPeer(UriInfo, ServerId, AddPeerModel)], but the peer hasn't started yet, then a PENDING peer will not count towards consensus, meaning, adding a second unresponsive peer will not impact majority.

The field "localRoleInfo" is null for all peers except the peer which processes this Rest API call. Typically, a healthy domain will will have each peer agree on the "leaderServerId" value, with one LEADER and N FOLLOWER peers.

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: id
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "connectedState" : {
    "latency" : 2,
    "lastAckDeltaMillis" : 5,
    "state" : "Unknown"
  "fullVersion" : "fullVersion",
  "address" : "address",
  "peerState" : "UNKNOWN",
  "isEvicted" : true,
  "id" : "id",
  "uri" : "",
  "localRoleInfo" : {
    "role" : "FOLLOWER",
    "localPeerTermIndexInfo" : {
      "valid" : true,
      "currentTerm" : 0,
      "logLastIndex" : 5,
      "commitIndex" : 1,
      "logLastTerm" : 6
    "lifeCycle" : "INITIALIZING",
    "leaderServerId" : "leaderServerId"
  "version" : "version",
  "peerMemberState" : "UNKNOWN",
  "isLocal" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/processes/{startId}
Get a specific database process. (getProcess)
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3
"nodeId" : 3,
"options" : {
"database" : "db",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3/options"
"durableState" : "MONITORED",
"port" : 55571,
"startId" : "3",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3",
"state" : "RUNNING",
"dbName" : "db",
"host" : "server1",
"pid" : 17631,
"type" : "TE",
"address" : "server1-address"

Path parameters

startId (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "regionName" : "regionName",
  "pid" : 6,
  "type" : "TE",
  "archiveId" : 1,
  "isExternalStartup" : true,
  "hostname" : "hostname",
  "journalDir" : "journalDir",
  "host" : "host",
  "options" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "state" : "ACTIVE",
  "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
  "address" : "address",
  "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
  "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
  "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
  "version" : "version",
  "labels" : {
    "key" : "labels"
  "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
  "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "port" : 0,
  "regionId" : 5,
  "startId" : "startId",
  "nodeId" : 5


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ProcessModel

get /1/processes/{startId}/options
Get options for a database process. (getProcessOptions)
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3/options
"database" : "db",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3/options"

Path parameters

startId (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "options" : {
    "key" : "options"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success EngineOptionsModel

get /1/processes
List all database processes. (getProcesses)
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=dbName&dbName=db&orderBy=nodeId"
"data" : [
"address" : "localhost",
"archiveDir" : "/Users/jblais/bugs/db17690/new_home0/var/opt/production-archives/db/archive",
"archiveId" : 1,
"dbName" : "db",
"durableState" : "MONITORED",
"host" : "server0",
"hostname" : "TestOne",
"ipAddress" : "",
"nodeId" : 1,
"options" : {
"agent-port" : "60010",
"archive" : "/Users/jblais/bugs/db17690/new_home0/var/opt/production-archives/db/archive",
"archive-id" : "1",
"commit" : "safe",
"database" : "db",
"engine-type" : "SM",
"geo-region" : "1",
"initialize" : "true",
"region-name" : "north",
"pid" : 31348,
"port" : 55826,
"regionId" : 1,
"regionName" : "north",
"startId" : "2",
"state" : "RUNNING",
"type" : "SM",
"version" : ""
"address" : "localhost",
"dbName" : "db",
"durableState" : "MONITORED",
"host" : "server0",
"hostname" : "TestOne",
"ipAddress" : "",
"nodeId" : 2,
"options" : {
"agent-port" : "60010",
"commit" : "safe",
"database" : "db",
"engine-type" : "TE",
"geo-region" : "1",
"region-name" : "north",
"pid" : 31353,
"port" : 55834,
"regionId" : 1,
"regionName" : "north",
"startId" : "3",
"state" : "RUNNING",
"type" : "TE",
"version" : ""
"address" : "localhost",
"dbName" : "db",
"durableState" : "MONITORED",
"host" : "server1",
"hostname" : "TestOne",
"ipAddress" : "",
"nodeId" : 3,
"options" : {
"agent-port" : "60011",
"commit" : "safe",
"database" : "db",
"engine-type" : "TE",
"geo-region" : "2",
"region-name" : "south",
"pid" : 31358,
"port" : 55838,
"regionId" : 2,
"regionName" : "south",
"startId" : "4",
"state" : "RUNNING",
"type" : "TE",
"version" : ""
"hasNext" : false,
"limit" : 20,
"offset" : 0

List all database process for region "south"

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes?filterBy=dbName&dbName=db&filterBy=regionName&regionName=south"
"data" : [
"address" : "localhost",
"dbName" : "db",
"durableState" : "MONITORED",
"host" : "server1",
"hostname" : "TestOne",
"ipAddress" : "",
"nodeId" : 3,
"options" : {
"agent-port" : "60011",
"commit" : "safe",
"database" : "db",
"engine-type" : "TE",
"geo-region" : "2",
"region-name" : "south",
"pid" : 31358,
"port" : 55838,
"regionId" : 2,
"regionName" : "south",
"startId" : "4",
"state" : "RUNNING",
"type" : "TE",
"version" : ""
"hasNext" : false,
"limit" : 20,
"offset" : 0

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
filterQuery (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "regionName" : "regionName",
  "pid" : 6,
  "type" : "TE",
  "archiveId" : 1,
  "isExternalStartup" : true,
  "hostname" : "hostname",
  "journalDir" : "journalDir",
  "host" : "host",
  "options" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "state" : "ACTIVE",
  "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
  "address" : "address",
  "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
  "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
  "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
  "version" : "version",
  "labels" : {
    "key" : "labels"
  "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
  "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "port" : 0,
  "regionId" : 5,
  "startId" : "startId",
  "nodeId" : 5


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/regions/{id}
Get a region by its id (getRegion)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7
"id": 7,
"name": "south-west"
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7"

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success RegionModel

get /1/regions
Get defined regions. (getRegions)
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions?filterBy=name&name=east&orderBy=id"
"data": [
"id": 2,
"name": "east"
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/2"
"id": 3,
"name": "east"
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/3"
"hasNext": false,
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/databases/{dbName}/reportTimestamp
Query engines to get their last durable timestamp and calculate leader candidates for active/passive handoff. (getReportTimestamp)

Waits for all specified archives to be started and then calculates the archive that was last running which will be the leader after handoff. Sends that archive a GetLastCommittedTimestamp request. The resulting timestamp, commit sequence vector and epoch reported by that leader are returned, along with the storage groups that the leader will serve.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/reportTimestamp -d '{
"archiveIds": [1,2,3],
"timeoutMs": 1000

"timestamp" : "2019-08-28T20:12:21",
"commits" : "0,0,4",
"epoch": 2,
"leaders": {
2 : 3

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

GetReportTimestampModel GetReportTimestampModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "commits" : "commits",
  "epoch" : 0,
  "leaders" : {
    "key" : 6
  "timestamp" : "timestamp"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/policies/roles
List all role objects. (getRoles)


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles"
"limit" : 20,
"data" : [
"authorizedRequests" : [
"method" : "GET",
"url" : "*"
"name" : "accessor"
"name" : "domainRoot",
"subRoles" : [
"authorizedRequests" : [
"method" : "*",
"url" : "*"
"name" : "unrestricted"
"offset" : 0,
"hasNext" : false

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: name
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "subRoles" : [ "subRoles", "subRoles" ],
  "authorizedRequests" : [ {
    "method" : "method",
    "pathParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "pathParamConstraints"
    "payloadParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "payloadParamConstraints"
    "url" : "url",
    "queryParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "queryParamConstraints"
  }, {
    "method" : "method",
    "pathParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "pathParamConstraints"
    "payloadParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "payloadParamConstraints"
    "url" : "url",
    "queryParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "queryParamConstraints"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/diagnostics/config/{serverId}
Gets the NuoAdmin service configuration for a given serverId. (getServerAgentConfig)
See [#getAgentConfig(UriInfo)]

Path parameters

serverId (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "initialMembership" : {
    "key" : {
      "key" : "initialMembership"
  "otherServices" : [ "otherServices", "otherServices" ],
  "loadBalancers" : {
    "key" : {
      "key" : "loadBalancers"
  "statsPlugins" : {
    "key" : [ {
      "key" : "statsPlugins"
    }, {
      "key" : "statsPlugins"
    } ]
  "properties" : {
    "key" : "properties"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminServerConfigModel

post /1/databases/{dbName}/startplan
Get a startplan containing the start-process requests for all archive IDs for a database, as well as TEs on specified server IDs. (getStartPlan)

For every occurrence of a server ID in teHosts a corresponding start-process request payload will appear in the startplan. If the reusable is false, then the startplan that is returned can only be used the next time we want to start the database (this is controlled by the incarnation fields appearing in the start-process requests). If any archives are running when a non-reusable startplan is requested, then this returns a startplan that only includes the non-running archives as well as TEs for all server IDs in teHosts. The smHosts map associates archive IDs with server IDs for a database configured for external process-start. For each archive ID in the map, the associated server ID is the one that will appear in the corresponding start-process request in the startplan. If there is no server ID associated with an archive ID, then a server ID will be injected by cycling through the server IDs in the current membership.

Request a startplan:

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/startplan -d '{}'
"incremental" : false,
"processes" : [
"host" : "nuoadmin0",
"dbName" : "db",
"engineType" : "SM",
"archiveId" : 0,
"overrideOptions" : {}
"overrideOptions" : {},
"archiveId" : 1,
"engineType" : "SM",
"dbName" : "db",
"host" : "nuoadmin1"
"archiveId" : 2,
"overrideOptions" : {},
"dbName" : "db",
"engineType" : "SM",
"host" : "nuoadmin2"

Request a startplan with TE server IDs:

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/startplan -d '{
"teHosts": ["nuoadmin0", "nuoadmin1"]
"processes" : [
"engineType" : "SM",
"archiveId" : 0,
"host" : "nuoadmin0",
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {}
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {},
"engineType" : "SM",
"archiveId" : 1,
"host" : "nuoadmin1"
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {},
"engineType" : "SM",
"host" : "nuoadmin2",
"archiveId" : 2
"host" : "nuoadmin0",
"engineType" : "TE",
"overrideOptions" : {},
"dbName" : "db"
"dbName" : "db",
"overrideOptions" : {},
"host" : "nuoadmin1",
"engineType" : "TE"
"incremental" : false

With processes running on archive IDs 0 and 1, request a startplan with reusable=false. This gives an incremental startplan that can only be used once:

curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes
"hasNext" : false,
"offset" : 0,
"data" : [
"archiveId" : 0,
"archiveId" : 1,
"limit" : 20

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/startplan -d '{
"teHosts": ["nuoadmin0"],
"reusable": false
"incremental" : true,
"processes" : [
"host" : "nuoadmin2",
"overrideOptions" : {},
"dbName" : "db",
"expectedIncarnation" : {
"minor" : 0,
"major" : 1
"engineType" : "SM",
"archiveId" : 2
"dbName" : "db",
"expectedIncarnation" : {
"minor" : 0,
"major" : 1
"engineType" : "TE",
"host" : "nuoadmin0",
"overrideOptions" : {}

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

GetStartPlanModel GetStartPlanModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "processes" : [ {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  }, {
    "overrideOptions" : {
      "key" : "overrideOptions"
    "expectedIncarnation" : {
      "major" : 6,
      "minor" : 1
    "dbName" : "dbName",
    "host" : "host",
    "engineType" : "engineType",
    "archiveId" : 0,
    "labels" : {
      "key" : "labels"
  } ],
  "incremental" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success StartPlanModel

get /1/databases/{dbName}/storageGroups
Get the list of storage groups for a database. (getStorageGroups)
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/storageGroups
"hasNext" : false,
"data" : [
"sgId" : 1,
"sgName" : "ALL",
"dbName" : "db",
"state" : "Available"
"leaderCandidates" : [
"sgId" : 10,
"dbName" : "db",
"processStates" : {
"3" : "RUNNING",
"0" : "RUNNING"
"sgName" : "SG1",
"archiveStates" : {
"0" : "ADDED",
"1" : "ADDED"
"state" : "Available"
"leaderCandidates" : [
"sgId" : 2,
"processStates" : {
"3" : "RUNNING",
"0" : "RUNNING"
"dbName" : "db",
"state" : "Available"
"offset" : 0,
"limit" : 20

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/storageGroups
"offset" : 0,
"data" : [
"sgName" : "SG1",
"sgId" : 10,
"archiveStates" : {
"1" : "PENDING",
"0" : "ADDED"
"dbName" : "db"
"limit" : 20,
"hasNext" : false

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: sgName
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "sgName" : "sgName",
  "processStates" : {
    "key" : "processStates"
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "archiveStates" : {
    "key" : "archiveStates"
  "sgId" : 0,
  "leaderCandidates" : [ "leaderCandidates", "leaderCandidates" ],
  "state" : "state"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

get /1/databases/{dbName}/sqlConnection
Request a transaction engine for a SQL connection. (getTransactionEngine)

The connection properties are passed as query parameters, which have to be URL encoded.

The following example requests a transaction engine using the connection properties LBQuery=round_robin(start_id(3)).

$ curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/sqlConnection?LBQuery=round_robin%28start_id%283%29%29"

"dbName": "db",
"durableState": "MONITORED",
"state": "RUNNING",
"address": "",
"hostname": "db-te-1",
"nodeId": 4,
"pid": 44,
"port": 48006,
"startId": "3",
"type": "TE",
"host": "nuoadmin0",

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "regionName" : "regionName",
  "pid" : 6,
  "type" : "TE",
  "archiveId" : 1,
  "isExternalStartup" : true,
  "hostname" : "hostname",
  "journalDir" : "journalDir",
  "host" : "host",
  "options" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "state" : "ACTIVE",
  "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
  "address" : "address",
  "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
  "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
  "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
  "version" : "version",
  "labels" : {
    "key" : "labels"
  "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
  "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "port" : 0,
  "regionId" : 5,
  "startId" : "startId",
  "nodeId" : 5


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ProcessModel

get /1/policies/users
List all user objects. (getUsers)


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users"
"data" : [
"roles" : [
"name" : "certUser"
"roles" : [
"name" : "pwUser"
"offset" : 0,
"hasNext" : false,
"limit" : 20

Query parameters

offset (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 0 format: int32
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 20 format: int32
filterBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
orderBy (optional)
Query Parameter — default: name
descendingFields (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "password" : "password",
  "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
  "roles" : [ "roles", "roles" ],
  "name" : "name"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/{dbName}/hotCopy
Issue hot-copy request on a database. (hotCopyDatabase)

One of three hot-copy request types can be issued: full, incremental, and journal. To perform incremental or journal hot-copy into a backup set directory, a full hot-copy must first be performed into that backup set directory. To perform a journal hot-copy on an archive, the SM running on that archive must have been started with the option --journal-hot-copy enable.

The parameter "defaultBackupSetDir" specifies the backup set directory to use for any archive that does not have a backup set directory associated with it via the "backupSetDirs" parameter. If "defaultBackupSetDirs" is not specified, then only the archives specified in "backupSetDirs" that have SMs in RUNNING state will participate in hot-copy. The "shared" parameter specifies that the "defaultBackupSetDir" is on shared storage and that each archive that should backup to its own sub-directory under it, which will have the form <default backup set directory>/<archive ID>.

The parameter "timeoutSecs" specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for the hot-copy to complete. If "timeoutSec" is not specified or set to 0, the request is issued asynchronously. The response for this request returns an "hotCopyId" and "coordinatorStartId" that can be used to poll the status of the hot-copy request.

Issuing a full hot-copy request:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopy -d '{
"type": "full",
"backupSetDirs": {
0: "/root/backup",
1: "/tmp/root/backup"

"hotCopyId" : "bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388",
"coordinatorStartId" : "0",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388"

Issuing a journal hot-copy request to shared storage:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopy -d '{
"type": "journal",
"defaultBackupSetDir": "/root/backup",
"shared": true

"hotCopyId" : "bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388",
"coordinatorStartId" : "0",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388"

Negative cases:

Attempting hot-copy on a non-existent database:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db2/hotCopy -d '{
"type": "full",
"defaultBackupSetDir": "/root/backup"

"messages" : [
"Failure while performing hot-copy",
"Database db2 does not exist"
"code" : 400

Attempting hot-copy on a database that has no RUNNING SMs:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopy -d '{
"type": "full",
"defaultBackupSetDir": "/root/backup"

"messages" : [
"Failure while performing hot-copy",
"No RUNNING SMs found for database dbName=db"
"code" : 400

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

HotCopyRequestBackupSetModel HotCopyRequestBackupSetModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
  "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
  "stage" : 0,
  "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
  "message" : "message",
  "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
  "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
  "uri" : "",
  "status" : "failed"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success HotCopyResponseModel

post /1/databases/{dbName}/hotCopySimple
Issue simple hot-copy request on a database. (hotCopyDatabaseSimple)

Unlike "/databases/{dbName}/hotCopy", which stores backups in a backup set directory with a predefined structure, this form of backup allows the archive, journal, and snapshot (for an SSM) directories to be specified separately, though only the "copyArchiveDir" field is required. This form of backup does not require nuochk to be run to produce an archive that can be started, and only supports full backups. As such, there is no "type" parameter in the request.

The parameter "defaultBackupLocation" specifies the backup location to use for any archive that does not have a backup location associated with it via the "backupLocations" parameter. If "defaultBackupLocation" is not specified, then only the archives specified in "backupLocations" that have SMs in RUNNING state will participate in hot-copy.

The parameter "timeoutSecs" specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for the hot-copy to complete. If "timeoutSec" is not specified or set to 0, the request is issued asynchronously. The response for this request returns an "hotCopyId" and "coordinatorStartId" that can be used to poll the status of the hot-copy request.

Issuing a full hot-copy request using backup sets:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopySimple -d '{
"backupLocations": {
0: {"copyArchiveDir": "/root/backup"},
1: {"copyArchiveDir": "/tmp/root/backup"}

"hotCopyId" : "bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388",
"coordinatorStartId" : "0",
"uri" : "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/hotCopyStatus?coordinatorStartId=0&hotCopyId=bc483712-3c0c-422f-a88e-fac3d9adc388"

Negative cases:

Attempting hot-copy on a non-existent database:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db2/hotCopySimple -d '{
"defaultBackupLocation": {"copyArchiveDir": "/root/backup"}

"messages" : [
"Failure while performing hot-copy",
"Database db2 does not exist"
"code" : 400

Attempting hot-copy on a database that has no RUNNING SMs:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/hotCopySimple -d '{
"defaultBackupLocation": {"copyArchiveDir": "/root/backup"}

"messages" : [
"Failure while performing hot-copy",
"No RUNNING SMs found for database dbName=db"
"code" : 400

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

HotCopyRequestSimpleModel HotCopyRequestSimpleModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "destinationDirectory" : "destinationDirectory",
  "beginTimestamp" : "beginTimestamp",
  "stage" : 0,
  "hotCopyId" : "hotCopyId",
  "message" : "message",
  "coordinatorStartId" : "coordinatorStartId",
  "endTimestamp" : "endTimestamp",
  "uri" : "",
  "status" : "failed"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success HotCopyResponseModel

post /1/diagnostics/log
Log a message in NuoAdmin service log and return version and timestamp. (log)
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/diagnostics/log -d '{"message": "message to log"}'
"serverVersion" : "",
"serverTimeMillis" : 1502380336585


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

LogRequestModel LogRequestModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "licenseType" : "licenseType",
  "serverVersion" : "serverVersion",
  "serverTimeMillis" : 0,
  "serverId" : "serverId"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success LogResponseModel

post /1/archives/modifyObserverStatus/{id}
Promote an archive to be a leader candidate for the specified storage groups (by specifying promoteStorageGroups), or promote an archive to be an observer for the specified storage groups (by specifying demoteStorageGroups). (modifyObserverStatus)

If promoteStorageGroups=["*"] is specified, then the archive is promoted as leader candidate for all storage groups that it serves. Similarly, if demoteStorageGroups=["*"] is specified, then the archive is demoted to observer for all storage groups that it serves.

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/modifyObserverStatus/1 -d '{"promoteStorageGroups": ["unpartitioned"], "demoteStorageGroups": ["SG1"]}'

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

ModifyObserverStatusModel ModifyObserverStatusModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/policies/license
Set domain license or check supplied license. (postLicense)

All variants of this API take an encoded license and return the decoded license metadata.

Checking a license:

curl -k -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/license -d '{
"encodedLicense": "-----BEGIN LICENSE----- ... -----END LICENSE-----"

"holder" : "Test Customer",
"expires" : "2029-09-07T02:00:35.393850",
"type" : "ENTERPRISE"

Setting the license for a domain:

curl -k -E dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/license?update=true' -d '{
"encodedLicense": "-----BEGIN LICENSE----- ... -----END LICENSE-----"

"holder" : "Test Customer",
"expires" : "2029-09-07T02:00:35.393850",
"type" : "ENTERPRISE"

Subsequent calls to the GET /policies/license API to get the effective license will return this license.

The allowDowngrade query parameter is used to allow a license to be installed that has lower capabilities than the current license (e.g. COMMUNITY over an ENTEPRISE license) or has an earlier expiration. By default, this API prevents downgrading of license capabilities or term.


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

UpdateLicenseModel UpdateLicenseModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

update (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false
allowDowngrade (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "expires" : "expires",
  "holder" : "holder",
  "type" : "ENTERPRISE"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success NuoAdminLicense

put /1/kvstore/{key}
Add a new key/value mapping, or overwrite an existing one. The input JSON object has the following schema: (putKeyValue)
{ 'key': <key>:string, 'expectedValue': <expected>:string, 'newValue': <newValue>:string, 'expectedAbsent': <flag>:boolean }

key is the key value, this is not needed if using a put and the key is the final part of the URL path. expectedValue is the expected value for CAS-like conditional mutation. newValue is the desired new value. expectedAbsent is a flag indicating whether or not a mapping is expected for putIfAbsent-like functionality.

The return value will return a success flag as well as any encountered key/value mapping in the case where a conditional operation fails.

An example of an unconditional insert:

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/kvstore/somekey -d '{ "newValue": "aNewValue", "expectedAbsent": "false"}'

Path parameters

key (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

KVMutationModel KVMutationModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "success" : true,
  "value" : "value",
  "uri" : "",
  "key" : "key"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success KVResultModel

delete /1/archives/{id}
Removes a database archive given its Id. (removeArchiveId)

The Id must not be used by any database including databases, except deleted databases which are in State=TOMBSTONE. Returns the database archive. Removing the Archive Id from the domain is required if a database is deleted and then re-created using the same database archive path(s) for Storage Managers.

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/1?purge=false
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "server0",
"id": 1,
"path": "/path/to/archive",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/1"

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64

Query parameters

purge (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "path" : "path",
  "process" : "",
  "observerStorageGroups" : [ "observerStorageGroups", "observerStorageGroups" ],
  "journal" : "journal",
  "snapshotArchivePath" : "snapshotArchivePath",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host",
  "id" : 0,
  "state" : "state",
  "uri" : "",
  "journalPath" : "journalPath"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ArchiveModel

delete /1/databases/{dbName}
Request to remove a database. (removeDatabase)

Requires that the database exists and is in NOT_RUNNING state. Unless the purge query parameter is set, the domain will keep the database in State=TOMBSTONE. Removing the Archive Id from the domain is required if a database is deleted and then re-created using the same database archive path(s) for Storage Managers.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

purge (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/databases/{dbName}/hosts
Assign the regionId to a server for a database. (removeHostAssignment)

Processes started on serverId for this database will use regionId. regionId must exist and be assigned to this database.

curl -X DELETE -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1/hosts -d '{  "serverId" : "server0" }'

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

RemoveHostAssignmentModel RemoveHostAssignmentModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/peers/{id}/removeDomainState
Remove and evict all processes on host and all archives. (removeHostDomainState)

Archives aren't removed for databases that are hosted solely by the specified host, because that would leave the database without archives.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/server1/removeDomainState

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/processes/{startId}
Request that a process be gracefully shutdown or removed from the domain state. (removeOrShutdownProcess)

If a process is MONITORED and none of evict, kill, or killWithCore were specified, it is transitioned to REQUESTED_SHUTDOWN, which will eventually result in a graceful shutdown request being issued to it. Otherwise, it will be removed from the domain state and the running process will be either evicted or killed, depending on which of evict, kill, or killWithCore was specified. At most one of these flags can be specified. If a positive timeout is specified, then the request will block for that amount of time until the process is disconnected from its admin process.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3

To force an immediate ungraceful shutdown and termination of the process:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3?kill=true

To force an immediate ungraceful shutdown and termination of the process producing a core file:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3?killWithCore=true

To cause the process to be evicted from the database:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/3?evict=true

Path parameters

startId (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

evict (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
kill (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
killWithCore (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
timeout (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "regionName" : "regionName",
  "pid" : 6,
  "type" : "TE",
  "archiveId" : 1,
  "isExternalStartup" : true,
  "hostname" : "hostname",
  "journalDir" : "journalDir",
  "host" : "host",
  "options" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "state" : "ACTIVE",
  "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
  "address" : "address",
  "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
  "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
  "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
  "version" : "version",
  "labels" : {
    "key" : "labels"
  "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
  "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "port" : 0,
  "regionId" : 5,
  "startId" : "startId",
  "nodeId" : 5


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ProcessModel

delete /1/peers/{id}
Deprovision the entire host (stop processes, remove archives etc), per [#removeHostDomainState(UriInfo, ServerId)], and remove the host (peer) from membership, which will force it to be shut down. (removePeer)

Archives aren't removed for databases that are hosted solely by the specified host, because that would leave the database without archives. The peer cannot be restarted its "initialMembership" contains itself.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/server1

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

delete /1/regions/{id}
Remove a region by its id. The region cannot be in use. (removeRegion)


$ curl -X DELETE-H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success RegionModel

post /1/archives/removeStorageGroup
Remove a storage group from an archive. (removeStorageGroup)

Similarly to the addStorageGroup resource, this transitions a storage group to PENDING_REMOVAL state for an archive, which then causes the storage group to actually be removed from the durable archive via a management request, which then causes the association between the storage group and the archive to be removed completely from the admin layer's state. This takes an optional timeout parameter which specifies how long to wait until the storage group removed for the archive.

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/removeStorageGroup -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 1, "sgName": "SG1"}'
"state" : "Available",
"sgName" : "SG1",
"archiveStates" : {
"0" : "ADDED"
"leaderCandidates" : [
"processStates" : {
"0" : "RUNNING",
"3" : "RUNNING"
"sgId" : 10,
"dbName" : "db"

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/removeStorageGroup?timeout=3 -d '{"dbName": "db", "archiveId": 0, "sgName": "SG1"}'
"dbName" : "db",
"state" : "Unavailable",
"sgId" : 10,
"sgName" : "SG1"


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

StorageGroupAssignmentModel StorageGroupAssignmentModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

timeout (optional)
Query Parameter — default: -1 format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "sgName" : "sgName",
  "processStates" : {
    "key" : "processStates"
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "archiveStates" : {
    "key" : "archiveStates"
  "sgId" : 0,
  "leaderCandidates" : [ "leaderCandidates", "leaderCandidates" ],
  "state" : "state"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success StorageGroupModel

put /1/regions/{regionId}
Rename an existing region ID. (renameRegion)
curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7   -d '{ "name" : "south-west", "oldName" : "south" }'
"id": 7,
"name": "south-west"
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/regions/7"

Path parameters

regionId (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

RenameRegionModel RenameRegionModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uri" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success RegionModel

post /1/processes
Request a new database process (new db life-cycle). (requestProcess)

Example: create an Archive, then use the Archive Id(s) to create a database, which returns a Start Plan containing the SM processes and one optional TE to start. When starting an SM process, the "archiveId" field must be specified. Only a select set of NuoDB engine options can be specified in the "overrideOptions" map, overriding the option defaults specified with the database create.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1 -d '{"regionIds" : [ 2, 3 ], "defaultOptions": { "mem" : "1000000" }, "databaseDbaUser": "dba", "databaseDbaPassword": "dba" }'
"processes": [
"archiveId": 2,
"dbName": "db1",
"engineType": "SM",
"host": "server0",
"overrideOptions": {}

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes -d '{ "archiveId": 2, "dbName": "db1", "engineType": "SM", "host": "server0", "overrideOptions": { "mem":"2000000" } }'
"startId": "0",
"host": "server0",
"durableState": "STARTED",
"options": { ... }


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

StartPlanProcessModel StartPlanProcessModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "archiveSaveProgress" : 9.301444243932576,
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "regionName" : "regionName",
  "pid" : 6,
  "type" : "TE",
  "archiveId" : 1,
  "isExternalStartup" : true,
  "hostname" : "hostname",
  "journalDir" : "journalDir",
  "host" : "host",
  "options" : {
    "options" : {
      "key" : "options"
  "state" : "ACTIVE",
  "lastHeardFrom" : 2,
  "address" : "address",
  "journalRecoveryProgress" : 7.061401241503109,
  "ipAddress" : "ipAddress",
  "snapshotArchiveDir" : "snapshotArchiveDir",
  "version" : "version",
  "labels" : {
    "key" : "labels"
  "archiveDir" : "archiveDir",
  "clientEncryption" : "clientEncryption",
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "port" : 0,
  "regionId" : 5,
  "startId" : "startId",
  "nodeId" : 5


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ProcessModel

post /1/processes/externalStartup
Request a new database process, which an external resource manager will start. (requestProcessExternalStartup)

The key change is that the Resource Manager starts the nuodb O/S process, either on bare-metal or in a separate container, rather than any 'local' Agent starting it. To hand over responsibility to the Resource Manager, call this start-process() API, which performs the "requested" process state management in the new admin layer, as before. The response contains the --connectKey --agent-port parameters which the external resource manager needs to use with the nuodb command-line. The agent port is determined by the Agent's configuration for Agent with "ThisServerId":"server0", using its "agentPort". If the resource manager runs on a separate container from the engine, than port-forwarding needs to be set up to reach the Agent's "agentPort". During start-up, nuodb --connectKey --agent-port will connect to the Agent which is waiting for the proces to connect to it, and finish the start-up life-cycle. The resource manager must startup the process within the "pendingProcessTimeout" timeout. The timeout (in milliseconds) waits for the admin state to request the process in the state machine, and then also transition it to the "STARTED" state, at which the system awaits a Connect message from the engine process. The database must be created using the optional option "ext-start" : "true".

# create database with option "ext-start"
curl -X PUT  -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1 -d '{ .. , "defaultOptions": { "ext-start" : "true" } }'

# start process using the same json document, as usual:
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/processes/externalStartup?timeout=1500 -d '{ "dbName": "db1", "host": "server0", "engineType": "SM", "archiveId": 0, "overrideOptions": { } }'
"startId": "0",
"host": "server0",
"dbName": db",
"durableState": "STARTED",
"commandLineArgs": ["--connect-key", "6221829101854857141", "--agent", "server0:48004"]}

# have resource manager launch the nuodb executable:
/opt/nuodb/bin/nuodb --connect-key 6221829101854857141 --agent server0:48004


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

StartPlanProcessModel StartPlanProcessModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

timeout (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 5 format: int32

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "commandLineArgs" : [ "commandLineArgs", "commandLineArgs" ],
  "durableState" : "REQUESTED",
  "startId" : "startId",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ExternalStartProcessModel

post /1/databases/{dbName}/resetState
Reset the specified database to the specified state. (resetState)

The values supplied should be provided by {dbName}/reportTimestamp and the user must confirm that it is appropriate to reset the state of the database to to the approximate timestamp reported by reportTimestamp. Sends a ResetState management request to the necessary engines telling those engines to reset to the specified state.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/resetState -d '{
"commits": [0,0,0,2],
"epoch": 2,
"leaders": {
2 : 3

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

ResetStateModel ResetStateModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

put /1/archives/{id}
Restore an archive that is stored as a tombstoned durably. (restoreDatabaseArchive)

The archive ID must refer to an archive that is currently stored as a tombstone (accessible by using the remove=true query parameter on the GET APIs). All attributes supplied in the JSON data must match the stored archive exactly, including state.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/8 -d '{ "dbName": "db1", "host": "server2", "path": "/path/to/archive", "state": "NOT_RUNNING"}'
# which returns:
"dbName": "db1",
"host": "server2",
"id": 8,
"path": "/path/to/archive",
"state": "NOT_RUNNING",
"uri": "http://localhost:8888/api/1/archives/8"

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null format: int64


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddArchiveModel AddArchiveModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "path" : "path",
  "process" : "",
  "observerStorageGroups" : [ "observerStorageGroups", "observerStorageGroups" ],
  "journal" : "journal",
  "snapshotArchivePath" : "snapshotArchivePath",
  "dbName" : "dbName",
  "host" : "host",
  "id" : 0,
  "state" : "state",
  "uri" : "",
  "journalPath" : "journalPath"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success ArchiveModel

put /1/databases/{dbName}/defaultRegion
Set the default region Id for the database. (setDefaultRegion)

The Id must be a valid Region Id. The default region Id for the database is used when there is no specific region Id assignment for the host where the process will run.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db1/defaultRegion -d '{"regionId" : 4 }'

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

AddDefaultRegionModel AddDefaultRegionModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/loadBalancerConfig
Register or unregister load-balancer configuration for a database or globally. (setLoadBalancerConfig)

Register database-specific configuration:

$ curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerConfig -d '{
"prefilter": "not(label(type tiebreaker))",
"dbName": "db",
"isGlobal": false,
"defaultLbQuery": "round_robin(any)"

Register global configuration:

$ curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerConfig -d '{
"prefilter": "not(label(type tiebreaker))",
"isGlobal": true,
"defaultLbQuery": "round_robin(any)"

Unregister database-specific prefilter:

$ curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerConfig?unregisterPrefilter=true" -d '{
"dbName": "db",
"isGlobal": false,


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

LoadBalancerConfigModel LoadBalancerConfigModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

unregisterDefaultLbQuery (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false
unregisterPrefilter (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/loadBalancerPolicy/{policyName}
Register a load-balancer policy that can be referred to using the "LBPolicy" connection property. (setLoadBalancerPolicy)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/loadBalancerPolicy/type_filter -d '{
"policyName": "type_filter",
"lbQuery": "random(label(type ${type}))"

The above query can be referenced from a SQL connection request by specifying the connection properties "LBPolicy" and "type" (which is a variable used in the load-balancer query). For example,

$ nuosql test --user dba --password goalie --connection-property LBPolicy=type_filter type=tx

This will return a TE with label type=tx.

Path parameters

policyName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Request body

LoadBalancerPolicyModel LoadBalancerPolicyModel (required)
Body Parameter


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/peers/certificates
Add or remove a certificate from every admin server's truststore. (setTrustedCertificate)

The truststore contains X509 certificates identified by alias. This API generates a command to the key-value state machine to associate the key certificates/trustedCerts/<alias> with the PEM-encoded certificate. When an admin server applies this command to its own state machine (which occurs after a notification from the Raft leader that the command has been committed, i.e. replicated to and acknowledged by a majority of admin servers), it updates the in-memory truststore to add the certificate (the on-disk truststore is not modified). If an admin server is restarted after having truststore update commands committed to its Raft state, these updates are made to the in-memory truststore when the Raft log is replayed on start-up.

$ curl --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/certificates -d '
"alias": "newcert",
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----"

To remove a trusted certificate, specify the query parameter remove=true and do not specify a PEM-encoded certificate in the request payload. This removes the certificate associated with the specified alias from every admin server's truststore.

$ curl --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/certificates?remove=true' -d '{"alias": "newcert"}'


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

TrustedCertificateModel TrustedCertificateModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

remove (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false
waitFullyReplicatedSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10 format: int64


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/{dbName}/shutdown
Request that a database be gracefully shutdown. (shutdownDatabase)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/shutdown

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/peers/{id}/shutdown
Shutdown peer. (shutdownPeer)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/1/peers/server1/shutdown?evictLocal=true

Path parameters

id (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

evictLocal (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/dataEncryption
Update the storage password used to encrypt archives for the specified database. (updateDataEncryption)

The current storage password must be provided for verification, which should be empty if the storage password is being set for the first time. This request blocks until all admin servers have received the new storage password and all running SMs have been reconfigured. Any subsequently started SMs should receive the new storage password (along with the existing storage passwords, which may be needed to decrypt the archive).


curl -k --cert /etc/nuodb/keys/nuocmd.pem -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/dataEncryption?configUpdateTimeoutSec=10" -d '{
"currentTargetStoragePassword": "thePassword",
"dbName": "db",
"newTargetStoragePassword": "theNewPassword"


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

UpdateDataEncryptionModel UpdateDataEncryptionModel (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

configUpdateTimeoutSec (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10 format: int32


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/{dbName}/options
Update database options for a database. (updateDatabaseOptions)

This includes options that can only be specified at database scope, like "ping-timeout", "dba-user", and "dba-password".

If the query parameter replaceAll is set to true, then the existing database options are completely replace by the supplied options, with the existing "dba-user" and "dba-password" being retained if they are not present. This means that any options that are not specified in the request body (except for "dba-user" and "dba-password") are removed.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/options?replaceAll=true' -d '{
"mem": "2Gi",
"ping-timeout": "30"

If the query parameter replaceAll is unspecified or set to false, then the supplied options are treated as a sparse set of overrides for the existing options. This means that any options that are not specified in the request body are unaffected.

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

request_body string (required)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

replaceAll (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/databases/{dbName}/upgrade
Upgrade database version. (updateDatabaseUpgrade)

Once all engine binaries that form a database are upgraded, the database protocol version needs to be upgraded on user request.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:8888/api/1/databases/db/upgrade?version=4.1'

If the query parameter maxVersion is set to true, then database protocol is upgraded to max possible version. Otherwise version query parameter is used to specify the target version.

Path parameters

dbName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null

Query parameters

version (optional)
Query Parameter — default: null
maxVersion (optional)
Query Parameter — default: false


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success

post /1/policies/roles/{roleName}
Update a role. (updateRole)

subRolesToAdd contains the set of sub-roles to add, and subRolesToRemove contains the set of sub-roles to remove. policiesToAdd contains the set of authorized requests to add to the role, and policiesToRemove contains the set of policies to remove, which must match exactly.


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/roles/domainRoot" -d '{
"subRolesToAdd": ["test", "dev"],
"policiesToAdd": [{
"method": "*",
"url": "*"

"authorizedRequests" : [
"url" : "*",
"method" : "*"
"subRoles" : [
"name" : "domainRoot"

Path parameters

roleName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

UpdateRolePoliciesModel UpdateRolePoliciesModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "name" : "name",
  "subRoles" : [ "subRoles", "subRoles" ],
  "authorizedRequests" : [ {
    "method" : "method",
    "pathParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "pathParamConstraints"
    "payloadParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "payloadParamConstraints"
    "url" : "url",
    "queryParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "queryParamConstraints"
  }, {
    "method" : "method",
    "pathParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "pathParamConstraints"
    "payloadParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "payloadParamConstraints"
    "url" : "url",
    "queryParamConstraints" : {
      "key" : "queryParamConstraints"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminRole

post /1/policies/users/{userName}/credentials
Update user credentials. (updateUserCredentials)


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users/pwUser/credentials" -d '{
"newPassword": "theNewPassword"

"name" : "pwUser",
"roles" : [

$ curl -k --user pwUser:theNewPassword "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users"
"offset" : 0,
"hasNext" : false,
"data" : [
"roles" : [
"name" : "certUser"
"name" : "pwUser",
"roles" : [
"limit" : 20

Path parameters

userName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

UpdateUserCredentialsModel UpdateUserCredentialsModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "password" : "password",
  "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
  "roles" : [ "roles", "roles" ],
  "name" : "name"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminUserModel

post /1/policies/users/{userName}/roles
Update the set of roles assigned to the user. (updateUserRoles)

rolesToAdd contains the set of roles to assign to the user, and rolesToRemove is the set of roles to remove from the user. If rolesToAdd and rolesToRemove have any roles in common (i.e. their intersection is non-empty), an error response is returned.


$ curl -k --cert dist/var/etc/nuocmd.pem -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST "https://localhost:8888/api/1/policies/users/pwUser/roles" -d '{
"rolesToAdd": ["unrestricted"],
"rolesToRemove": ["accessor"]

"name" : "pwUser",
"roles" : [

Path parameters

userName (required)
Path Parameter — default: null


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

UpdateUserRolesModel UpdateUserRolesModel (required)
Body Parameter

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "password" : "password",
  "certificatePem" : "certificatePem",
  "roles" : [ "roles", "roles" ],
  "name" : "name"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Response object on success AdminUserModel


[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource -
  2. AddArchiveModel -
  3. AddDefaultRegionModel -
  4. AddHostAssignmentModel -
  5. AddPeerModel -
  6. AddRegionModel -
  7. AdminRole -
  8. AdminServerConfigModel -
  9. AdminUserModel -
  10. Affinity -
  11. ArchiveModel -
  12. AvailableEngineOptionsModel -
  13. AzureDiskVolumeSource -
  14. AzureFileVolumeSource -
  15. CSIVolumeSource -
  16. Capabilities -
  17. CephFSVolumeSource -
  18. CertificateModel -
  19. CinderVolumeSource -
  20. ConfigMapEnvSource -
  21. ConfigMapKeySelector -
  22. ConfigMapProjection -
  23. ConfigMapVolumeSource -
  24. ConnectionInfoModel -
  25. Container -
  26. ContainerPort -
  27. ContainerState -
  28. ContainerStateRunning -
  29. ContainerStateTerminated -
  30. ContainerStateWaiting -
  31. ContainerStatus -
  32. CreateDatabaseModel -
  33. DaemonSet -
  34. DaemonSetCondition -
  35. DaemonSetSpec -
  36. DaemonSetStatus -
  37. DaemonSetUpdateStrategy -
  38. DatabaseModel -
  39. DatabaseNameStateModel -
  40. DatabaseVersionModel -
  41. DatabaseVersionsModel -
  42. Deployment -
  43. DeploymentCondition -
  44. DeploymentSpec -
  45. DeploymentStatus -
  46. DeploymentStrategy -
  47. DomainCertificateModel -
  48. DownwardAPIProjection -
  49. DownwardAPIVolumeFile -
  50. DownwardAPIVolumeSource -
  51. EffectiveLicense -
  52. EmptyDirVolumeSource -
  53. EngineOptionsModel -
  54. EnvFromSource -
  55. EnvVar -
  56. EnvVarSource -
  57. EphemeralContainer -
  58. EphemeralVolumeSource -
  59. ExecAction -
  60. ExitedProcessModel -
  61. ExternalStartProcessModel -
  62. FCVolumeSource -
  63. FlexVolumeSource -
  64. FlockerVolumeSource -
  65. GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource -
  66. GRPCAction -
  67. GetReportTimestampModel -
  68. GetStartPlanModel -
  69. GitRepoVolumeSource -
  70. GlusterfsVolumeSource -
  71. HTTPGetAction -
  72. HTTPHeader -
  73. HostAlias -
  74. HostPathVolumeSource -
  75. HotCopyArchiveModel -
  76. HotCopyDatabaseStatusModel -
  77. HotCopyRequestBackupSetModel -
  78. HotCopyRequestSimpleModel -
  79. HotCopyResponseModel -
  80. ISCSIVolumeSource -
  81. ImmutableMapLongHotCopyArchiveModel -
  82. ImmutableMapLongString -
  83. ImmutableMapStringString -
  84. ImmutableSetString -
  85. Incarnation -
  86. IntOrString -
  87. KVMutationModel -
  88. KVResultModel -
  89. KeyToPath -
  90. KubernetesConfigModel -
  91. LabelSelector -
  92. LabelSelectorRequirement -
  93. Lifecycle -
  94. LifecycleHandler -
  95. LoadBalancerConfigModel -
  96. LoadBalancerPolicyModel -
  97. LocalObjectReference -
  98. LocalPeerRoleInfoModel -
  99. LocalPeerTermIndexInfo -
  100. LogRequestModel -
  101. LogResponseModel -
  102. ManagedFieldsEntry -
  103. ModifyObserverStatusModel -
  104. NFSVolumeSource -
  105. NodeAffinity -
  106. NodeSelector -
  107. NodeSelectorRequirement -
  108. NodeSelectorTerm -
  109. NodeVersionModel -
  110. NuoAdminLicense -
  111. ObjectFieldSelector -
  112. ObjectMeta -
  113. OwnerReference -
  114. PeerModel -
  115. PersistentVolumeClaim -
  116. PersistentVolumeClaimCondition -
  117. PersistentVolumeClaimSpec -
  118. PersistentVolumeClaimStatus -
  119. PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate -
  120. PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource -
  121. PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource -
  122. Pod -
  123. PodAffinity -
  124. PodAffinityTerm -
  125. PodAntiAffinity -
  126. PodCondition -
  127. PodDNSConfig -
  128. PodDNSConfigOption -
  129. PodIP -
  130. PodOS -
  131. PodReadinessGate -
  132. PodSecurityContext -
  133. PodSpec -
  134. PodStatus -
  135. PodTemplateSpec -
  136. PortworxVolumeSource -
  137. PreferredSchedulingTerm -
  138. Probe -
  139. ProcessModel -
  140. ProjectedVolumeSource -
  141. Quantity -
  142. QuobyteVolumeSource -
  143. RBDVolumeSource -
  144. RegionModel -
  145. RemoveHostAssignmentModel -
  146. RenameRegionModel -
  147. ReportTimestampModel -
  148. RequestPolicySpec -
  149. ResetStateModel -
  150. ResourceFieldSelector -
  151. ResourceRequirements -
  152. RollingUpdateDaemonSet -
  153. RollingUpdateDeployment -
  154. RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy -
  155. SELinuxOptions -
  156. ScaleIOVolumeSource -
  157. SeccompProfile -
  158. SecretEnvSource -
  159. SecretKeySelector -
  160. SecretProjection -
  161. SecretVolumeSource -
  162. SecurityContext -
  163. ServerId -
  164. ServiceAccountTokenProjection -
  165. StartId -
  166. StartPlanModel -
  167. StartPlanProcessModel -
  168. StatefulSet -
  169. StatefulSetCondition -
  170. StatefulSetPersistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy -
  171. StatefulSetSpec -
  172. StatefulSetStatus -
  173. StatefulSetUpdateStrategy -
  174. StorageGroupAssignmentModel -
  175. StorageGroupModel -
  176. StorageOSVolumeSource -
  177. Sysctl -
  178. TCPSocketAction -
  179. Toleration -
  180. TopologySpreadConstraint -
  181. TrustedCertificateModel -
  182. TypedLocalObjectReference -
  183. UpdateDataEncryptionModel -
  184. UpdateLicenseModel -
  185. UpdateRolePoliciesModel -
  186. UpdateUserCredentialsModel -
  187. UpdateUserRolesModel -
  188. Volume -
  189. VolumeDevice -
  190. VolumeMount -
  191. VolumeProjection -
  192. VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource -
  193. WeightedPodAffinityTerm -
  194. WindowsSecurityContextOptions -

AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
partition (optional)
Integer format: int32
readOnly (optional)
volumeID (optional)

AddArchiveModel - Up

dbName (optional)
host (optional)
path (optional)
journalPath (optional)
snapshotArchivePath (optional)
restored (optional)
remoteStart (optional)
storageGroupObservers (optional)

AddDefaultRegionModel - Up

regionId (optional)
Long format: int64

AddHostAssignmentModel - Up

regionId (optional)
Long format: int64
serverId (optional)

AddPeerModel - Up

address (optional)
version (optional)

AddRegionModel - Up

name (optional)

AdminRole - Up

name (optional)
subRoles (optional)
authorizedRequests (optional)

AdminServerConfigModel - Up

properties (optional)
initialMembership (optional)
otherServices (optional)
statsPlugins (optional)
loadBalancers (optional)

AdminUserModel - Up

name (optional)
roles (optional)
certificatePem (optional)
password (optional)

Affinity - Up

nodeAffinity (optional)
podAffinity (optional)
podAntiAffinity (optional)

ArchiveModel - Up

uri (optional)
URI format: uri
process (optional)
URI format: uri
id (optional)
Long format: int64
dbName (optional)
host (optional)
path (optional)
journal (optional)
snapshotArchivePath (optional)
state (optional)
observerStorageGroups (optional)
journalPath (optional)

AvailableEngineOptionsModel - Up

options (optional)

AzureDiskVolumeSource - Up

kind (optional)
cachingMode (optional)
diskName (optional)
diskURI (optional)
fsType (optional)
readOnly (optional)

AzureFileVolumeSource - Up

readOnly (optional)
secretName (optional)
shareName (optional)

CSIVolumeSource - Up

driver (optional)
fsType (optional)
nodePublishSecretRef (optional)
readOnly (optional)
volumeAttributes (optional)

Capabilities - Up

add (optional)
drop (optional)

CephFSVolumeSource - Up

monitors (optional)
path (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretFile (optional)
secretRef (optional)
user (optional)

CertificateModel - Up

certificatePem (optional)
expires (optional)
Long format: int64
subjectName (optional)
issuerName (optional)
caPathLength (optional)
Integer format: int32
subjectAltNames (optional)
expiresTimestamp (optional)

CinderVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)
volumeID (optional)

ConfigMapEnvSource - Up

name (optional)
optional (optional)

ConfigMapKeySelector - Up

key (optional)
name (optional)
optional (optional)

ConfigMapProjection - Up

items (optional)
name (optional)
optional (optional)

ConfigMapVolumeSource - Up

defaultMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
items (optional)
name (optional)
optional (optional)

ConnectionInfoModel - Up

lastAckDeltaMillis (optional)
Long format: int64
latency (optional)
Long format: int64
state (optional)

Container - Up

args (optional)
command (optional)
env (optional)
envFrom (optional)
image (optional)
imagePullPolicy (optional)
lifecycle (optional)
livenessProbe (optional)
name (optional)
ports (optional)
readinessProbe (optional)
resources (optional)
securityContext (optional)
startupProbe (optional)
stdin (optional)
stdinOnce (optional)
terminationMessagePath (optional)
terminationMessagePolicy (optional)
tty (optional)
volumeDevices (optional)
volumeMounts (optional)
workingDir (optional)

ContainerPort - Up

containerPort (optional)
Integer format: int32
hostIP (optional)
hostPort (optional)
Integer format: int32
name (optional)
protocol (optional)

ContainerState - Up

running (optional)
terminated (optional)
waiting (optional)

ContainerStateRunning - Up

startedAt (optional)

ContainerStateTerminated - Up

containerID (optional)
exitCode (optional)
Integer format: int32
finishedAt (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
signal (optional)
Integer format: int32
startedAt (optional)

ContainerStateWaiting - Up

message (optional)
reason (optional)

ContainerStatus - Up

containerID (optional)
image (optional)
imageID (optional)
lastState (optional)
name (optional)
ready (optional)
restartCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
started (optional)
state (optional)

CreateDatabaseModel - Up

defaultRegionId (optional)
Long format: int64
hostAssignments (optional)
map[String, Long] format: int64
databaseDbaUser (optional)
databaseDbaPassword (optional)
defaultOptions (optional)
teHosts (optional)
smHosts (optional)

DaemonSet - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
metadata (optional)
spec (optional)
status (optional)

DaemonSetCondition - Up

lastTransitionTime (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
status (optional)
type (optional)

DaemonSetSpec - Up

minReadySeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
revisionHistoryLimit (optional)
Integer format: int32
selector (optional)
template (optional)
updateStrategy (optional)

DaemonSetStatus - Up

collisionCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
conditions (optional)
currentNumberScheduled (optional)
Integer format: int32
desiredNumberScheduled (optional)
Integer format: int32
numberAvailable (optional)
Integer format: int32
numberMisscheduled (optional)
Integer format: int32
numberReady (optional)
Integer format: int32
numberUnavailable (optional)
Integer format: int32
observedGeneration (optional)
Long format: int64
updatedNumberScheduled (optional)
Integer format: int32

DaemonSetUpdateStrategy - Up

rollingUpdate (optional)
type (optional)

DatabaseModel - Up

name (optional)
incarnation (optional)
state (optional)
defaultRegionId (optional)
Long format: int64
hostAssignments (optional)
map[String, Long] format: int64
databaseOptions (optional)
processes (optional)
URI format: uri
archives (optional)
URI format: uri
storageGroups (optional)
URI format: uri
exitedProcesses (optional)
URI format: uri
incarnations (optional)
map[String, URI] format: uri
capture (optional)
URI format: uri
regions (optional)
map[String, URI] format: uri
servers (optional)
map[String, URI] format: uri
dbPassword (optional)

DatabaseNameStateModel - Up

name (optional)
incarnation (optional)
state (optional)
uri (optional)
URI format: uri

DatabaseVersionModel - Up

name (optional)
versionId (optional)

DatabaseVersionsModel - Up

dbName (optional)
version (optional)
maxVersion (optional)
effectiveVersion (optional)
availableVersions (optional)
allVersions (optional)
processVersions (optional)

Deployment - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
metadata (optional)
spec (optional)
status (optional)

DeploymentCondition - Up

lastTransitionTime (optional)
lastUpdateTime (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
status (optional)
type (optional)

DeploymentSpec - Up

minReadySeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
paused (optional)
progressDeadlineSeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
replicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
revisionHistoryLimit (optional)
Integer format: int32
selector (optional)
strategy (optional)
template (optional)

DeploymentStatus - Up

availableReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
collisionCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
conditions (optional)
observedGeneration (optional)
Long format: int64
readyReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
replicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
unavailableReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
updatedReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32

DeploymentStrategy - Up

rollingUpdate (optional)
type (optional)

DomainCertificateModel - Up

trustedCertificates (optional)
serverTrusted (optional)
serverCertificates (optional)
processTrusted (optional)
processCertificates (optional)

DownwardAPIProjection - Up

items (optional)

DownwardAPIVolumeFile - Up

fieldRef (optional)
mode (optional)
Integer format: int32
path (optional)
resourceFieldRef (optional)

DownwardAPIVolumeSource - Up

defaultMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
items (optional)

EffectiveLicense - Up

decodedLicense (optional)
encodedLicense (optional)
effectiveForDomain (optional)
licenseFile (optional)

EmptyDirVolumeSource - Up

medium (optional)
sizeLimit (optional)

EngineOptionsModel - Up

options (optional)

EnvFromSource - Up

configMapRef (optional)
prefix (optional)
secretRef (optional)

EnvVar - Up

name (optional)
value (optional)
valueFrom (optional)

EnvVarSource - Up

configMapKeyRef (optional)
fieldRef (optional)
resourceFieldRef (optional)
secretKeyRef (optional)

EphemeralContainer - Up

args (optional)
command (optional)
env (optional)
envFrom (optional)
image (optional)
imagePullPolicy (optional)
lifecycle (optional)
livenessProbe (optional)
name (optional)
ports (optional)
readinessProbe (optional)
resources (optional)
securityContext (optional)
startupProbe (optional)
stdin (optional)
stdinOnce (optional)
targetContainerName (optional)
terminationMessagePath (optional)
terminationMessagePolicy (optional)
tty (optional)
volumeDevices (optional)
volumeMounts (optional)
workingDir (optional)

EphemeralVolumeSource - Up

volumeClaimTemplate (optional)

ExecAction - Up

command (optional)

ExitedProcessModel - Up

process (optional)
database (optional)
reason (optional)
databaseIncarnation (optional)
engineType (optional)
exitCode (optional)
Integer format: int32
hasDisconnected (optional)

ExternalStartProcessModel - Up

startId (optional)
host (optional)
dbName (optional)
durableState (optional)
commandLineArgs (optional)

FCVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
lun (optional)
Integer format: int32
readOnly (optional)
targetWWNs (optional)
wwids (optional)

FlexVolumeSource - Up

driver (optional)
fsType (optional)
options (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)

FlockerVolumeSource - Up

datasetName (optional)
datasetUUID (optional)

GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
partition (optional)
Integer format: int32
pdName (optional)
readOnly (optional)

GRPCAction - Up

port (optional)
Integer format: int32
service (optional)

GetReportTimestampModel - Up

archiveIds (optional)
array[Integer] format: int32
timeoutMs (optional)
Long format: int64

GetStartPlanModel - Up

teHosts (optional)
smHosts (optional)
reusable (optional)

GitRepoVolumeSource - Up

directory (optional)
repository (optional)
revision (optional)

GlusterfsVolumeSource - Up

endpoints (optional)
path (optional)
readOnly (optional)

HTTPGetAction - Up

host (optional)
httpHeaders (optional)
path (optional)
port (optional)
scheme (optional)

HTTPHeader - Up

name (optional)
value (optional)

HostAlias - Up

hostnames (optional)
ip (optional)

HostPathVolumeSource - Up

path (optional)
type (optional)

HotCopyArchiveModel - Up

copyArchiveDir (optional)
copyJournalDir (optional)
copySnapshotDir (optional)

HotCopyDatabaseStatusModel - Up

hotCopyStatuses (optional)
errors (optional)

HotCopyRequestBackupSetModel - Up

shared (optional)
defaultBackupSetDir (optional)
backupSetDirs (optional)
maxRate (optional)
Long format: int64
testMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
timeoutSec (optional)
Long format: int64
checkContainsAllSgs (optional)

HotCopyRequestSimpleModel - Up

defaultBackupLocation (optional)
backupLocations (optional)
timeoutSec (optional)
Long format: int64
maxRate (optional)
Long format: int64
testMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
checkContainsAllSgs (optional)

HotCopyResponseModel - Up

status (optional)
beginTimestamp (optional)
endTimestamp (optional)
stage (optional)
Integer format: int32
destinationDirectory (optional)
message (optional)
uri (optional)
URI format: uri

ISCSIVolumeSource - Up

chapAuthDiscovery (optional)
chapAuthSession (optional)
fsType (optional)
initiatorName (optional)
iqn (optional)
iscsiInterface (optional)
lun (optional)
Integer format: int32
portals (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)
targetPortal (optional)

ImmutableMapLongHotCopyArchiveModel - Up

empty (optional)

ImmutableMapLongString - Up

empty (optional)

ImmutableMapStringString - Up

empty (optional)

ImmutableSetString - Up

Incarnation - Up

Integer format: int32
minor (optional)
Integer format: int32

IntOrString - Up

IntVal (optional)
Integer format: int32
Kind (optional)
Integer format: int32
StrVal (optional)

KVMutationModel - Up

key (optional)
expectedValue (optional)
newValue (optional)
expectedAbsent (optional)

KVResultModel - Up

key (optional)
value (optional)
success (optional)
uri (optional)
URI format: uri

KeyToPath - Up

key (optional)
mode (optional)
Integer format: int32
path (optional)

KubernetesConfigModel - Up

statefulsets (optional)
deployments (optional)
pods (optional)
volumes (optional)
daemonSets (optional)
statefulSets (optional)

LabelSelector - Up

matchExpressions (optional)
matchLabels (optional)

LabelSelectorRequirement - Up

key (optional)
operator (optional)
values (optional)

Lifecycle - Up

postStart (optional)
preStop (optional)

LifecycleHandler - Up

exec (optional)
httpGet (optional)
tcpSocket (optional)

LoadBalancerConfigModel - Up

isGlobal (optional)
dbName (optional)
defaultLbQuery (optional)
prefilter (optional)

LoadBalancerPolicyModel - Up

policyName (optional)
lbQuery (optional)

LocalObjectReference - Up

name (optional)

LocalPeerRoleInfoModel - Up

role (optional)
leaderServerId (optional)
lifeCycle (optional)
localPeerTermIndexInfo (optional)

LocalPeerTermIndexInfo - Up

currentTerm (optional)
Long format: int64
logLastTerm (optional)
Long format: int64
commitIndex (optional)
Long format: int64
logLastIndex (optional)
Long format: int64
valid (optional)

LogRequestModel - Up

message (optional)

LogResponseModel - Up

serverVersion (optional)
licenseType (optional)
serverTimeMillis (optional)
Long format: int64
serverId (optional)

ManagedFieldsEntry - Up

apiVersion (optional)
fieldsType (optional)
fieldsV1 (optional)
manager (optional)
operation (optional)
subresource (optional)
time (optional)

ModifyObserverStatusModel - Up

promoteStorageGroups (optional)
demoteStorageGroups (optional)

NFSVolumeSource - Up

path (optional)
readOnly (optional)
server (optional)

NodeAffinity - Up

preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)

NodeSelector - Up

nodeSelectorTerms (optional)

NodeSelectorRequirement - Up

key (optional)
operator (optional)
values (optional)

NodeSelectorTerm - Up

matchExpressions (optional)
matchFields (optional)

NodeVersionModel - Up

versionId (optional)
version (optional)
release (optional)

NuoAdminLicense - Up

type (optional)
holder (optional)
expires (optional)

ObjectFieldSelector - Up

apiVersion (optional)
fieldPath (optional)

ObjectMeta - Up

annotations (optional)
clusterName (optional)
creationTimestamp (optional)
deletionGracePeriodSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
deletionTimestamp (optional)
finalizers (optional)
generateName (optional)
generation (optional)
Long format: int64
labels (optional)
managedFields (optional)
name (optional)
namespace (optional)
ownerReferences (optional)
resourceVersion (optional)
selfLink (optional)
uid (optional)

OwnerReference - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
blockOwnerDeletion (optional)
controller (optional)
name (optional)
uid (optional)

PeerModel - Up

id (optional)
uri (optional)
URI format: uri
address (optional)
peerState (optional)
peerMemberState (optional)
localRoleInfo (optional)
connectedState (optional)
isLocal (optional)
isEvicted (optional)
version (optional)
fullVersion (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaim - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
metadata (optional)
spec (optional)
status (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaimCondition - Up

lastProbeTime (optional)
lastTransitionTime (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
status (optional)
type (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaimSpec - Up

accessModes (optional)
dataSource (optional)
dataSourceRef (optional)
resources (optional)
selector (optional)
storageClassName (optional)
volumeMode (optional)
volumeName (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaimStatus - Up

accessModes (optional)
allocatedResources (optional)
capacity (optional)
conditions (optional)
phase (optional)
resizeStatus (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate - Up

metadata (optional)
spec (optional)

PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource - Up

claimName (optional)
readOnly (optional)

PhotonPersistentDiskVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
pdID (optional)

Pod - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
metadata (optional)
spec (optional)
status (optional)

PodAffinity - Up

preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)

PodAffinityTerm - Up

labelSelector (optional)
namespaceSelector (optional)
namespaces (optional)
topologyKey (optional)

PodAntiAffinity - Up

preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution (optional)

PodCondition - Up

lastProbeTime (optional)
lastTransitionTime (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
status (optional)
type (optional)

PodDNSConfig - Up

nameservers (optional)
options (optional)
searches (optional)

PodDNSConfigOption - Up

name (optional)
value (optional)

PodIP - Up

ip (optional)

PodOS - Up

name (optional)

PodReadinessGate - Up

conditionType (optional)

PodSecurityContext - Up

fsGroup (optional)
Long format: int64
fsGroupChangePolicy (optional)
runAsGroup (optional)
Long format: int64
runAsNonRoot (optional)
runAsUser (optional)
Long format: int64
seLinuxOptions (optional)
seccompProfile (optional)
supplementalGroups (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
sysctls (optional)
windowsOptions (optional)

PodSpec - Up

activeDeadlineSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
affinity (optional)
automountServiceAccountToken (optional)
containers (optional)
dnsConfig (optional)
dnsPolicy (optional)
enableServiceLinks (optional)
ephemeralContainers (optional)
hostAliases (optional)
hostIPC (optional)
hostNetwork (optional)
hostPID (optional)
hostname (optional)
imagePullSecrets (optional)
initContainers (optional)
nodeName (optional)
nodeSelector (optional)
os (optional)
overhead (optional)
preemptionPolicy (optional)
priority (optional)
Integer format: int32
priorityClassName (optional)
readinessGates (optional)
restartPolicy (optional)
runtimeClassName (optional)
schedulerName (optional)
securityContext (optional)
serviceAccount (optional)
serviceAccountName (optional)
setHostnameAsFQDN (optional)
shareProcessNamespace (optional)
subdomain (optional)
terminationGracePeriodSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
tolerations (optional)
topologySpreadConstraints (optional)
volumes (optional)

PodStatus - Up

conditions (optional)
containerStatuses (optional)
ephemeralContainerStatuses (optional)
hostIP (optional)
initContainerStatuses (optional)
message (optional)
nominatedNodeName (optional)
phase (optional)
podIP (optional)
podIPs (optional)
qosClass (optional)
reason (optional)
startTime (optional)

PodTemplateSpec - Up

metadata (optional)
spec (optional)

PortworxVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
readOnly (optional)
volumeID (optional)

PreferredSchedulingTerm - Up

preference (optional)
weight (optional)
Integer format: int32

Probe - Up

exec (optional)
failureThreshold (optional)
Integer format: int32
grpc (optional)
httpGet (optional)
initialDelaySeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
periodSeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
successThreshold (optional)
Integer format: int32
tcpSocket (optional)
terminationGracePeriodSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
timeoutSeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32

ProcessModel - Up

startId (optional)
host (optional)
durableState (optional)
options (optional)
labels (optional)
address (optional)
ipAddress (optional)
hostname (optional)
version (optional)
port (optional)
Integer format: int32
pid (optional)
Integer format: int32
dbName (optional)
archiveDir (optional)
archiveId (optional)
Long format: int64
journalDir (optional)
snapshotArchiveDir (optional)
regionId (optional)
Long format: int64
regionName (optional)
clientEncryption (optional)
type (optional)
state (optional)
nodeId (optional)
Integer format: int32
isExternalStartup (optional)
lastHeardFrom (optional)
Long format: int64
journalRecoveryProgress (optional)
Double format: double
archiveSaveProgress (optional)
Double format: double

ProjectedVolumeSource - Up

defaultMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
sources (optional)

Quantity - Up

amount (optional)
format (optional)
additionalProperties (optional)

QuobyteVolumeSource - Up

group (optional)
readOnly (optional)
registry (optional)
tenant (optional)
user (optional)
volume (optional)

RBDVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
image (optional)
keyring (optional)
monitors (optional)
pool (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)
user (optional)

RegionModel - Up

id (optional)
Long format: int64
name (optional)
uri (optional)
URI format: uri

RemoveHostAssignmentModel - Up

serverId (optional)

RenameRegionModel - Up

oldName (optional)
name (optional)

ReportTimestampModel - Up

timestamp (optional)
commits (optional)
epoch (optional)
Long format: int64
leaders (optional)
map[String, Long] format: int64

RequestPolicySpec - Up

method (optional)
url (optional)
queryParamConstraints (optional)
pathParamConstraints (optional)
payloadParamConstraints (optional)

ResetStateModel - Up

commits (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
leaders (optional)
map[String, Long] format: int64
epoch (optional)
Long format: int64

ResourceFieldSelector - Up

containerName (optional)
divisor (optional)
resource (optional)

ResourceRequirements - Up

limits (optional)
requests (optional)

RollingUpdateDaemonSet - Up

maxSurge (optional)
maxUnavailable (optional)

RollingUpdateDeployment - Up

maxSurge (optional)
maxUnavailable (optional)

RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy - Up

partition (optional)
Integer format: int32

SELinuxOptions - Up

level (optional)
role (optional)
type (optional)
user (optional)

ScaleIOVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
gateway (optional)
protectionDomain (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)
sslEnabled (optional)
storageMode (optional)
storagePool (optional)
system (optional)
volumeName (optional)

SeccompProfile - Up

localhostProfile (optional)
type (optional)

SecretEnvSource - Up

name (optional)
optional (optional)

SecretKeySelector - Up

key (optional)
name (optional)
optional (optional)

SecretProjection - Up

items (optional)
name (optional)
optional (optional)

SecretVolumeSource - Up

defaultMode (optional)
Integer format: int32
items (optional)
optional (optional)
secretName (optional)

SecurityContext - Up

allowPrivilegeEscalation (optional)
capabilities (optional)
privileged (optional)
procMount (optional)
readOnlyRootFilesystem (optional)
runAsGroup (optional)
Long format: int64
runAsNonRoot (optional)
runAsUser (optional)
Long format: int64
seLinuxOptions (optional)
seccompProfile (optional)
windowsOptions (optional)

ServerId - Up

id (optional)
valid (optional)

ServiceAccountTokenProjection - Up

audience (optional)
expirationSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
path (optional)

StartId - Up

value (optional)

StartPlanModel - Up

processes (optional)
incremental (optional)

StartPlanProcessModel - Up

dbName (optional)
host (optional)
engineType (optional)
archiveId (optional)
Long format: int64
overrideOptions (optional)
labels (optional)
expectedIncarnation (optional)

StatefulSet - Up

apiVersion (optional)
kind (optional)
metadata (optional)
spec (optional)
status (optional)

StatefulSetCondition - Up

lastTransitionTime (optional)
message (optional)
reason (optional)
status (optional)
type (optional)

StatefulSetPersistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy - Up

whenDeleted (optional)
whenScaled (optional)

StatefulSetSpec - Up

minReadySeconds (optional)
Integer format: int32
persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy (optional)
podManagementPolicy (optional)
replicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
revisionHistoryLimit (optional)
Integer format: int32
selector (optional)
serviceName (optional)
template (optional)
updateStrategy (optional)
volumeClaimTemplates (optional)

StatefulSetStatus - Up

availableReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
collisionCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
conditions (optional)
currentReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
currentRevision (optional)
observedGeneration (optional)
Long format: int64
readyReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
replicas (optional)
Integer format: int32
updateRevision (optional)
updatedReplicas (optional)
Integer format: int32

StatefulSetUpdateStrategy - Up

rollingUpdate (optional)
type (optional)

StorageGroupAssignmentModel - Up

Long format: int64

StorageGroupModel - Up

dbName (optional)
sgName (optional)
sgId (optional)
Long format: int64
archiveStates (optional)
state (optional)
processStates (optional)
leaderCandidates (optional)

StorageOSVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
readOnly (optional)
secretRef (optional)
volumeName (optional)
volumeNamespace (optional)

Sysctl - Up

name (optional)
value (optional)

TCPSocketAction - Up

host (optional)
port (optional)

Toleration - Up

effect (optional)
key (optional)
operator (optional)
tolerationSeconds (optional)
Long format: int64
value (optional)

TopologySpreadConstraint - Up

labelSelector (optional)
maxSkew (optional)
Integer format: int32
topologyKey (optional)
whenUnsatisfiable (optional)

TrustedCertificateModel - Up

alias (optional)
certificatePem (optional)

TypedLocalObjectReference - Up

kind (optional)
apiGroup (optional)
name (optional)

UpdateDataEncryptionModel - Up

dbName (optional)
newTargetStoragePassword (optional)
currentTargetStoragePassword (optional)
existingStoragePasswords (optional)

UpdateLicenseModel - Up

encodedLicense (optional)

UpdateRolePoliciesModel - Up

subRolesToAdd (optional)
subRolesToRemove (optional)
policiesToAdd (optional)
policiesToRemove (optional)

UpdateUserCredentialsModel - Up

newCertificatePem (optional)
newPassword (optional)

UpdateUserRolesModel - Up

rolesToAdd (optional)
rolesToRemove (optional)

Volume - Up

awsElasticBlockStore (optional)
azureDisk (optional)
azureFile (optional)
cephfs (optional)
cinder (optional)
configMap (optional)
csi (optional)
downwardAPI (optional)
emptyDir (optional)
ephemeral (optional)
fc (optional)
flexVolume (optional)
flocker (optional)
gcePersistentDisk (optional)
gitRepo (optional)
glusterfs (optional)
hostPath (optional)
iscsi (optional)
name (optional)
nfs (optional)
persistentVolumeClaim (optional)
photonPersistentDisk (optional)
portworxVolume (optional)
projected (optional)
quobyte (optional)
rbd (optional)
scaleIO (optional)
secret (optional)
storageos (optional)
vsphereVolume (optional)

VolumeDevice - Up

devicePath (optional)
name (optional)

VolumeMount - Up

mountPath (optional)
mountPropagation (optional)
name (optional)
readOnly (optional)
subPath (optional)
subPathExpr (optional)

VolumeProjection - Up

configMap (optional)
downwardAPI (optional)
secret (optional)
serviceAccountToken (optional)

VsphereVirtualDiskVolumeSource - Up

fsType (optional)
storagePolicyID (optional)
storagePolicyName (optional)
volumePath (optional)

WeightedPodAffinityTerm - Up

podAffinityTerm (optional)
weight (optional)
Integer format: int32

WindowsSecurityContextOptions - Up

gmsaCredentialSpec (optional)
gmsaCredentialSpecName (optional)
hostProcess (optional)
runAsUserName (optional)